I Am Not Montel Williams

Feb 05, 2011 12:28

Two years of Festivids down, two years of awesomeness. My gift vid was again fantastic and what my brain craved when I made the request. (How does one get so lucky two years in a row?!)

On the gifting side, I am so pleased to have contributed to making Patrick Swayze the Patron Saint of Festivids this year.

Red Dawn - Freedom Deep

H:Lots - Runaway

Festivids was HARD this year. Destina and I were joking that we were going to make Top Gun vids for each other. Turns out, she got the one other person that requested Top Gun, I got Destina for V. And so in a fit of panic (that I am sure she saw through as she was V. SUSPICIOUS OF ME) I lied to her over and over and over again for the past three months. And not only that, I could not share deep and sincere 80s love with her. That was very stressful. (It is also stressful picking an 80s song for V for Destina without her which is why that vid does not exist. Yet.)

So I told her, "Oh, I matched on randomfandomI'msureIcouldpulloutofmyassifneedbe, but I also could do x,y,z and p,d,q!" I have never been so happy for a programmer not nulling out the variables that sent the entire request list out to everyone! That way I knew which fandoms people had requested. It was pretty awesome, and if you'll recall, my brain was pretty shot in the fall. I needed all the help I could get.

Then I never finished watching Rubicon, and I wasn't inspired by the other things I lied to her about, so I vowed to make a Homicide vid which I did after I made my real Festivid for Destina. Because she would be SUSPICIOUS if she didn't have anything to beta. Then it was Festivid due day, and I'm revising Runaway right up until the end even though I had two more weeks since it was technically a treat and she's all, "wow, you are cutting it last minute!" and I am all, "Living on the edge!!!!!" (I didn't even feel the slightest bit of guilt for that lie. OK, maybe just a little bit. But it's fun to play a wild person on the internets!)

And then my friends lied to me like I was Montel Williams! They said, "No one will guess your vid if you do interesting credits." So did they guess me on my straight up sincere 80s love vid with my traditional arial credits? No, no they did not. Did they guess the vid with interesting credits? Yes, yes they did.


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