Feb 03, 2011 21:09

1. You guys are right! It is easy to post when you number things!

2. It's pothole season again! This is the bad time of the year for my car. I live in what can charitably be described as twisty turny roads. I know them by heart. Pothole season does not care how well I know roads and will spring up giant craters overnight. I may have made a few earth shattering kabooms while driving today. Bah.

3. I mayhaps *ordered* my first smartphone. (My first phone made in the last 7 years as a matter of fact!) I am a weeee bit excited. (And if my boss's boss can't move himself up in the queue, there's no way I can.)

4. Shirtless man!
Well, maybe it was last month or so you were reading about Kenny Loggins. Close enough, right? *g*

5. You really think I can have a 5 after #4?

6. Can two woobies be in a relationship? Yes/No? Show your work.
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