I Can Finally Use My Jaffa Icon Again!

Jan 31, 2010 19:09

festivids reveals are up! I WAS ANONYMOUS ON MY MAIN VID FOR TWO WEEKS! You don't know how happy this makes me. No one guessed me for The Sound of Music! (And everyone guessed Magnum PI. I swear, I didn't even use Journey. How, world? How was that unanimously me?)

I love Festivids. I wanted to participate so much that I made finding my install disks my #1 priority, and I did, and I got my vidding computer back again. Woot! And if I hadn't participated I would not have gotten China Beach Vids!!!! Love them. Thank you so much fan_eunice, they were the BEST PART about festivids.

And then I vidded! I'll tell you a secret, I wanted to cut the problematic last verse out of Lullabye for a Stormy Night where there are two singers. I didn't know what to do for it and the song was already too long. So I tried, and tried and tried some more, and I could not make a clean cut. So that forced me into using it, and forced me into the idea that Liesl grows up while watching Maria and, actually makes it more than it would have been initially, and makes me love it a bit more. So thank you song for being so hard to cut! And thank you Maria and Liesl for being awesome!

And then I was putting the finishing touches on it on Saturday when Sisabet's requests got put out to pinch hit, and have you seen her fandoms? China Beach! Magnum! It was like she was writing them to get me to vid for her. I was too slow for a normal pinch hit, but she was open for treats since it was so late! So I figured I'd use her suggested song for Magnum and do a short little vidlet, and then I apparently became possessed because by Sunday night I had draft 1, and by Tuesday I was done and uploaded. I am still not sure how that happened for a show I haven't watched since the mid 90s. (and back then I watched it ALL THE TIME. It was on every day on some channel like FX or USA, and I never missed it.)

But honestly, I had those scenes burned into my head and I knew which episodes to hit and I knew I was ending with the sunrise. Did you see the sunrise? Magnum was a great fun buddy, buddy show that was really well done. He's a guy who has a rubber chicken and a Detroit Tigers cap and a gorilla mask and forgets to pay his bar tab, and he will absolutely be there for you if you need him to. And he has issues. And a dead wife who is not so dead. And there is give and take and moral issues, and, and.... And then he died. But time has little to do with infinity and jelly donuts. So then he became undead.

And vidding to a show that no one vids to in the past X years (OK, I don't know if I've ever seen a Magnum vid) has its perqs because no one else has used all the good Lily and Michelle scenes. No one else blows up Mac or kills Ivan. It's all yours for the taking. (Though, honestly Mac, would it kill you to quit yapping right before you die?) Just don't eat the snow in Hawaii.

PS: This is my first attempt to stream vids from my website, I would love to know if there are any issues with it.


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