Happy Happy Joy Joy

Jan 31, 2010 09:25

I have determined that Bones is my Go To Anytime show, and the only reason it takes me so long to catch up is that I want to always have a supply of new Bones on hand, so I save them until I am weak and then I binge. The story of my life.

Criminal Minds I can't watch too late at night, and I have to be doing something else while watching so I can look away from their ever increasing need for shock value scenes.

Friday Night Lights I can't watch while doing anything else, and I have to be ready to cry. So that takes a special mood.

Spooks, I have to pay attention, and have the brain capacity to follow, and then they bored me to hell in that one episode and made me roll my eyes forever in the other one, so we've kind of been on a temporary break until I miss it terribly.

White Collar is my go to exercise show, so I save it for that. It's safe to watch in a gym, and it's fun and peppy. I don't think I'd make it appointment TV otherwise, but OMG, love exercising to it.

V, I am just not sure about. I want to like it. I really, really do. But I am in the middle of episode three and it is boring. It shouldn't be boring. It's one of my favorite topics. But I even tried watching it while captive in a gym, and it was still boring.

Supernatural is my Go To Appointment Day must watch on appointed day.

Booth is learning about his co-dependent ways! I am so proud of you Booth! And I am happy that Jared is back in the States and that we can have more brotherly action.

The complete double standard that Booth did not address though is that the difference between Bones' father and Booth's brother's fiance is that Bones' father is her father and he is always going to be that. He's family and there's no choice, and we forgive a lot for that. But with people you choose, why not be choosy! It's completely double standardy and displays a lack of trust in strangers and such, but it's there.

And then last week breaking into the lab to get to his squints and being all put out about the Government lying to him and Cam freaking out about the pregnancy test and Hodgins being all supportive! And then the week before being all XFilesy. OMG, LOVE!!!


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