
Apr 23, 2009 22:35

I highly approve of the following:
1. John Winchester in the previouslies
2. Random new pictures of John Winchester in an episode
3. John Winchester taking his son to baseball games.
4. Long lost brothers.
5. Brotherly tension at the end. "You can take that any way you want."
6. "Welcome to Cousin Olivers."

I was googling Jensen Ackles a while back (as you do) and up turned "Jake Abel cast as Winchester brother" and I was bummed for a second or two because I got spoiled. But then I decided to delight in my spoilery find that there was a seekrit long lost brother. Because that's so much fun! And it was. And I was pleased they revealed it right away, so I was mostly unspoiled for this! I am almost sorry that he's gone because I won't get the drunken pissed off conversation about what actually did happen on Dean's birthday.

Fandom, this is where you come in! Also the John POV when he comes back to Dean and Sam after he found out about Adam.

Also, I would have cast Jake Abel as a wee Winchester from his headshot alone. Could you get more Dean-like eyes? And I get how they're going for the Dean is to Adam as John is to Sam type analogy. (Aside, it is v. amusing to have to cast two young kids to look like Dean in one season. They must be all, what happened to the last one we sent you? Did you eat him?) Anyway, back to where I was, so I get how they play up the Dean and Adam comparison (looks, birthdays) in looks such that it will explain the butting heads.

The ghouls were gross and I squinted through most of that. Blech. (Also Sam's torso is LONG. Dude.)

I do not get people who crawl through tunnels that they can't turn around in knowing full well they are chasing a thing that is dragging people back through tunnels by their feet and is v. strong.

I am not sure I'd be comforted to find the Winchesters as my long lost brothers. They are rather scary.

I am going under the assumption that the kid doesn't think googling John Winchester would be fruitful given the common last name. Because the first hit is to the Supernatural Wiki (which clearly exists in SPN world) with a picture of John and thus he could have read all about his father! (Oh, how I love the Monster at the End of the Book.)

Dean how big are your father issues? How how big? I get that you're very angry over the Long Distance Phonecall thingy and never want to fall like that again. I get that you're still angry at John for dying. And living. I get that you're still still angry that you are not him in that he didn't crack in hell and you did. But man, you are wearing the cranky pants tonight! (And they fit you so very well!)

I repeat, you can take that any way you want.


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