It's Because I Hate Doing Homework, Isn't It?

Sep 04, 2007 19:49

Post- Labor Day Picscam of the Pretty!

I just felt like doing it. As if I need a reason.

Because of some of the (stupid) confines of my journal, some of the pictures don't fit, so I conveniently linked them to their photobucket counterpart where you can see the whole show. Just click and you'll be able to see everything.

So, so, so, NOT dial-up friendly. Like ever. EVER.

I Present to You:
Milo, Jared, Jensen, and Jake

You might want to take a couple breathers during this one.

Let's start off easy, shall we?

Or not.

Okay, so I noticed two things about Milo yesterday...

1) I can tell by his hair when the photo was taken, and...

2) He's changed so much.

Just look! He looks completely different!

In case you don't know yet, I have a thing for Fedoras (see: Jensen).

This is probably one of my favorite pictures from the shoot.

I also just noticed yesterday that he's wearing his DSC shirt. How awesome/cool is that?

You'll notice as I go on that I have a lot of black and white photos..this is just the beginning.

Okay, now that we've covered that (favorite) photo shoot, we can happily move on to others.

Like this one.

And this one.

But the photo shoot pictures didn't last long, because I got distracted by this.

And this.

And this.

(Those last two were provided by 12_12_12 and taken in London!)

Okay, okay, back to photo shoots.

Mmmm...I like him in brown.

A lot.

A lot a lot.

I seriously can't decide which hairstyle I like better. I mean, the new one is growing of my (it's kind of Jess-like now that it's getting longer, no?) but I still have my deep enduring love for the piece-y bangs.

I'm sorry, but Jared and Jensen do NOT have the monopoly on sprawling and lounging.

Not only do I like the picture and the subject, but I also like the scenery.


No bangs.

*sighs* *indecisive*

Hee! He looks like his character from "It's A Mall World"...although this was taken in 2005, so he actually wore it this way for a while.



Done! Welcome to Jaredland! Where everything is bright and squishy!

Just a couple of standards...

Hee! I think I like this one the mostest.

I don't know where I got this photo, but I love it.

I sort of have that shirt (or a lookalike) may or may not be because of this picture.

Or this one.

Or this one.

Pretty, yes?

I love him with this hair...

I know I'm showing a lot of old stuff (like it really matters, the man is pretty!) but I will be getting to new stuff. I promise.

In the meanwhile...



Fishy face.


He knows you're watching...

Green on green, FTW!

I'll hug you!!

Again, I'm posting my favorite photoshoot. Just because.

If you even hum that song, I will murder you in your sleep.


Pink shirt strikes again!

Horizontal stripes over vertical ones? Only one genius can pull this off..

Hee! He looks like he's about to head off to college.


You are my Guitar HERO.

Even though you kind of look like Luke Danes here..

So, he's pretty and all, but for some reason, I really like that art wall behind him.

Transition pics! These are fun.

They really, literally are joined at the hip.

So I think I may have lost one of my ovaries while looking at all those pretty pics of Jared. Lets see if I can last a little longer on the next one.

Nope. There it goes.

Are there any good organs on the black market?

I know it's been said, but...feet!

I know you can't really see his face, but I thought this was just a really nicely done artistic shot and decided to share. Because I'm obviously an expert.


He has such a nice smile....

Okay, so I admit that for a while last night, that I wasn't able to find any decent pics of Jensen that I wanted to I took some pics from his younger years. I did find some very nice pictures later, but this is what I took from his older photo shoots.

I've always liked baseball tees....

I've actually never seen some of these...possibly for good reason.

Okay, okay, back to adult land.

Who says Jensen can't be silly?

I suspect that he's secretly sillier than Jared.


Okay, so I did kind of go Jensen crazy..but I did only start out with three or four pictures. You should wait until Jake, I started out with one.

I mean, I doubt that you guys mind much anyway.

Good God, I love his smirk.

So, yeah, you know. It's just me and my coat rack, hanging out...

*bites lip* real transition pics from Jensen to Jake...well, except, you know, the common level of pretty.

He's devious, he is.

I have a wallpaper based on this...

B&W is back, baby!

Dear Instyle Magazine,

Please to be doing all of Jake Gyllenhaal's photo shoots from now on.

Thank you.

I can't tell if I like this version....

Or the color one more.

Sooo adorable.

And I love that shirt.

Another nice shadowy pic.

So giddy!

B&W time!

Do do do do do do...

*bites lip*

La la la la la la.

Okay, I think this marks the end of Black and White time, despite how wonderful it was. I still might have a couple B&W's up my sleeve though ;)

Color explosion!

Take that black and white!

And that!

Do I have a third ovary? Because I think that just burst.

Man of my Dreams.

What is this? Another black and white?!?!

This was part of my wallpaper was.

Or it was this (the whole thing was black and white), I can't remember.


Hee! I know that painting. It's by an artist you can find right here. It's the second guard in the series you see who is spray painting the anarchy sign. This photo was taken in London, y'all.

OMG, this is reason #158798416213218 why I own and love my Sammy shirt.

I was about to stop searching for photos right about here, but then I saw this..


And so of course I had to continue:

And that's about it. Are you still breathing? Need some water?....So do I.

My only problem now is where to x-post it, because it doesn't really fit in one specific community. Should I just screw it and spam them all, or keep it quietly to myself in the confines of my friends-locked journal?

Screw it.

jakey, spam, jared, j11, milo, jensen

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