momar_moleThe Two-Word Meme
1. Where is your cell phone? On bed.
2. Where is your significant other? Not applicable.
3. Your hair? Frizzy jewfro.
4. Your mother? At work.
5. Your father? On phone.
6. Your favorite thing? Film reels.
7. Your dream last night? Blanked out.
8. Your favorite drink? Watermelon vodka.
9. Your dream/goal? Screen writer.
10. The room you’re in? Sister's bedroom.
11. Your hobby? Watching television.
12. Your fear? Being alone.
13. Where you want to be in 6 years? London, England.
14. Where were you last night? Sister's bedroom.
15. What you’re not? Time effective.
16. Muffins? Only blueberry.
17. One of your wish list items? Con tickets.
18. Where you grew up? D.C. suburb.
19. The last thing you did? Watched movie.
20. What are you wearing? Pajama clothes.
21. Your TV? Very small.
22. Your pets? Still deceased.
23. Your computer? Macbook Pro.
24. Your life? Fairly hurried.
25. Your mood? Cautiously optimistic.
26. Missing someone? Of course.
27. Your car? Don't drive.
28. Something you’re not wearing? A hat.
29. Favorite store? Hate malls.
30. Your summer? Very slow.
31. Like someone? Why, yes.
32. Your favorite color? Depends daily.
33. When is the last time you laughed? Earlier today.
34. Last time you cried? Last night.
01. When was the last time you shaved? Last week?
02. Explain what ended your last relationship. Not existent.
03. What were you doing this morning at 8 a.m.? Still asleep.
04. What were you doing 15 minutes ago? Ordering books.
05. Are you any good at math? What's math?
06. Your prom night? After-prom better.
07. Do you have any famous ancestors? Not really.
08. Have you had to take a loan out for school? Not yet.
09. Do you know the words to the song on your MySpace profile? Can't remember.
10. Last thing received in the mail? Birthday card.
11. How many different beverages have you had today? About three.
12. Do you ever leave messages on people’s answering machine? When unavailable.
13. Who did you lose your CONCERT virginity to? Green Day.
14. Do you draw your name in the sand when you go to the beach? On occasion.
15. What’s the most painful dental procedure you’ve had? Cavity fillings.
16. What is out your back door? My backyard.
17. Any plans for Friday night? Say goodbye.
18. Do you like what the ocean does to your hair? Ugh, no.
19. Have you ever received one of those big tins of 3 different popcorns? Bummed some.
20. Have you ever been to a planetarium? I think.
21. Do you re-use towels after you shower? After washing.
22. Some things you are excited about? Celebrities singing.
23. What is your favorite flavor of JELLO? Evil incarnate.
24. Describe your keychain(s)? Very jangly.
25. Where do you keep your change? Doll shoebox.
26. Last time you spoke in front of a large group of people? Oral Communication
27. What kind of winter coat do you own? Too many.
28. What was the weather like on your graduation day? Didn't care.
29. Do you sleep with the door to your room open or closed? Wide open.
And now I REALLY have to start writing.