I've done this all before, you know the drill. From
1. Reply to this post with the word PIRATES and I will pick six of your icons.
2. Make a post (including this info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never ending cycle of icon glee.
Keywords: J12
lipglossingSo I have this thing, that I can sometimes talk at length about. About five years ago (I think) I noticed that an extraordinary number of my favorite celebrities - actors, musicians, what have you - all shared something in common. All their names began with J. At this time I gathered up all the J names I could think of that fit under this category and counted them. The initial count was a 11, but a week later I added a 12th. So the group became known as my J12, although the number far exceeds that. And the tag is still J11 because I'm lazy. The entirety of the group (to my knowledge) is posted in my profile. There is a reason JGL is at the top of that list, and why Jason Mraz is second. And there's a reason these six particular persons are in this icon. Except maybe Jesse Bradford but I still love you Jesse. Someone was making "IDK MY BFF" icons and I asked for this specialized one. It still makes me ridiculously happy.
Also the commercial is funny.
Keywords: Circle of Life
Notes: Across The Universe,
anonymouslyme56Across The Universe. Oh god, this movie. This movie is just...
Oh god this movie.
Keywords: Puppy
belle_reineThis is one of the first JGL icons I ever picked up. He just looks so cute and adorable, and OMG THE ARGYLE, DID MENTION THE ARGYLE? And truth be told, I like him with kinda long hair, although seeing a very young Tommy on 3rd Rock is kind of unsettling. Maybe around Season 3 or Season 4 is best? But Cameron from 10 Things is also a speciality in cute and adorable.
Keywords: Holy Shit
Notes: 500 Days of Summer,
risque_graphicsThis is actually a new icon that replaced my old 500 Days of Summer icons where Summer compliments Tom on The Smiths. That was my default for a while, so I decided to go with something new. Also, this was the point in the trailer where I fell absolutely in love with everything this movie had to offer. I even remember watching it for the first time, excited that JGL and Zooey Deschanel were finally making (another, although I didn't know that) movie together (I had desperately hoped JGL would make another romantic comedy, and he and Zooey were my dream pairing. And then after that I was all, "I hope he makes an intense sci-fi!" I'M NOT EVEN KIDDING.) and not quite sure what to expect. I'd have to see it, but I didn't know if I was going to actually like it. The elevator scene MADE CERTAIN that I was going to fall head over heels for this movie. Which I did.
Keywords: Curses!
Notes: Nevermind The Buzzcocks,
miss_jaffacakeIf you have not seen the Christmas episode where David Tennant takes over Nevermind the Buzzcocks, get thee to a VLC. It's the most hilarious thing I've ever seen, and it's an intersection of not two, but three and my favorite British television past times. The Doctor, NMTB and Noel Fielding. God save us all.
Seriously, funniest shit ever. I kind of want to watch it all over again now.
Keywords: Huh?
Notes: Dollhouse,
petitemerciOh Topher. There's a similar character in ever Joss Whedon show (Xander, Wash...) but there hasn't been anyone quite like you. Because you're a genius. And adorable. And you were sweater vests like a mofo. I have not seen second season, but from the few spoilers I hear, I am NOT going to enjoy it.
I can decide whether I want to badly fill out this prompt, watch Sherlock or 3rd Rock, or just listen to the Inception soundtrack over and over and over again.