You Don't Need A Weatherman To Know Which Way The Wind Blows

Jul 19, 2009 15:37

I just redid my layout and it's AMAZING! I love it so much because it's pink, and dotty, and very me. I am very happy, and therefore grateful to thefulcrum.

Speaking of layouts made from thefulcrum (DYCWIDT?) I have a new comm! Yaaaaay! lookbacksongslookbacksongslookbacksongslookbacksongslookbacksongs
Go! Join! Participate! I really, really want this comm to do well so please pimp it out to all your friends! Mostly so I can get my Gigi soundtrack Because I believe that everyone either has an interest in old music or would if they had access to it. Or not, whatever, but PLEASE JOIN, OKAY?! Okay.

I know I have yet to give my opinion on anything I've seen in the last week (Harry Potter and 500 Days of Summer). I do have photos and such and some video, but I don't want to put any other video on YouTube aside from this one:

image Click to view

Um anything else you cool cats want to know about? I decided that I'm not going to "500 Days of Summer" again tonight not because I don't want to but because this is one of my last chances to eat some delicious Thai food from one of my favorite restaurants. And then we'll probably watch Annie Hall or something else that I found on VHS last night. There are LOTS of good movies that I have on VHS but don't have on DVD.

I need to write fic or something. I wrote a little original drabble and will probably post it at sitrow but I'm not 100% happy with it since I feel like it's covered ground. Maybe my Intro. to Creative Writing class next semester will help me get my gears turning again. Or...IDK what will happen.

pimpernel, writing, comm, video, music, movies, friends, lj

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