The Looks You Give Are So Contagious, The Way We Move is So Outrageous

May 29, 2009 02:41


“Ryan, please?”

“Absolutely not.”

“C’mon, I’ll never ask you for anything again.”

“Brendon, are you retarded? First of all I don’t believe you. Plus this would never work.”

“Sure it would!” And now Ryan’s confronted with the sight of an impossibly hopeful and bouncing Brendon Urie. Yet Brendon switches tactics, opting for nerdy/charming/blushing Brendon Urie complete with head ducking and lip-biting. “I mean you’re like, pretty, enough.”

“Oh no, no, no. Flattery will get you nowhere.” By now Ryan had his hand on Brendon’s car door, ready to bolt.

“Ryan, please. Please.” Brendon was only met with the sight of Ryan’s shaking head so he huffed instead, crossing his arms. “C’mon, you owe me. If it weren’t for you I wouldn’t even be in this situation.”

“That is such shit! You wanted to give me that blow job just as much as I wanted to get it! It is not my fault that your parents came home early,” Ryan grumbled, his crossed arms much angrier and more impressive than Brendon’s for some reason.

At this point, Brendon was consenting defeat. He knew Ryan wouldn’t go for it, but he had hoped and hoped hard as was per usual for him. He hung his head, uncrossed his arms, and let out a sad sort of sigh. “I know, Ry, I’m sorry. It’s just-I-I just really wanted to go. And I wouldn’t want to take anyone else but you.”

Fuck. Ryan was so fucked. Because when met with a completely sincere, adorable, and sad Brendon Urie, it was not a sight that anyone could resist. And especially not one Ryan Ross, who pretended so desperately (and failed even more desperately at pretending) that he was not in love with the boy seated next to him and was wrapped around said boy’s finger.

He sighed, placed one spidery-finger-covered hand over both of Brendon’s, which were clasped together in his lap, and let out a quick breath. “Okay, Bren. I’ll do it. For you.”

And the happy gasp of surprise, wide Brendon Urie grin, and quick hand job in the backseat were so, so worth it.


“Oh my God. I look so fucking stupid,” Ryan hissed, slamming the visor shut in Brendon’s car after checking out his appearance in the mirror.

“Stop. You do not. You look fine, perfect even,” Brendon amended when he saw the glare Ryan shot him from underneath his bangs. “Besides, you need the practice.”

“Okay,” Ryan closed his eyes and counted to three before gripping Brendon’s hand hard enough to bruise, “Let’s go in.”

Brendon nods quickly, willing to do anything Ryan says at this point, and leading Ryan into the mall. He takes in Ryan’s appearance and knows that they have nothing to worry about. Ryan had agreed, after much arguing, to see how he looked as a girl once before the actual prom, and if he passed as a girl he told Brendon he’d do it. Brendon was still in shock, can’t believing that he got to go to prom (after he told his parents he was taking a friend, a girl friend, of his from marching band and promising that he’d have nothing to do with that heathen Ryan Ross) and to go to prom with Ryan too. His amazingly attractive boyfriend who was willing to put a dress on just to make Brendon happy.

Brendon sweeps his eyes down Ryan’s body and his breath catches in his throat. It’s not like he looks that much different but he definitely looks like a girl. He’d told Brendon that he refused to wear a skirt or anything so he’s just wearing a tight pink t-shirt (Spencer’s) and a pair of even tighter black jeans (Brendon’s). It’s not anything he wouldn’t normally wear but the tightness of the pants show that despite popular belief, Ryan really does have an ass. And the heels he is wearing (to practice for prom and that Brendon had run out to buy because Ryan refused to go to the store and purchase them himself) show said ass off even more. Also, the padded bra he’s wearing gives him the appearance of  having breasts, but nothing too showy or fake-looking, just a small amount of cleavage to match this apparently, very skinny girl.

His hair is long enough that he doesn’t need a wig or anything, falling in tangles right above his shoulders. But he had actually blown it dry and brushed it today, sweeping his bangs to one side to hide his face even more. And while he has worn makeup before, it had never been applied so specifically, with no sweeping or elegant designs, just decorating his cheeks, eyes, and lips in order to accent his naturally androgynous features.

As they walked into the dress store, Ryan gripped Brendon’s hand even harder if possible. He didn’t want these people to laugh at him, to chase him out of the store as some creepy cross-dresser, he just wanted to crawl into a hole and hide, so he had to settle for ducking his head and almost burrowing into Brendon’s side as his boyfriend rubbed a thumb over his palm, trying to calm him.

However, it was as if no one noticed. Nothing seemed to happen. No one laughed, no one pointed, the only reaction they got was one friendly saleswoman walking over to the young couple and asking, “Hi, can I help you with anything today?”

Brendon cleared his throat. “Yeah, um,” he paused before adding “babe?” and tugging Ryan forward. It was as much to piss Ryan off as it was because they hadn’t thought of a proper girl name for Ryan yet.

Following Brendon’s lead, Ryan cleared his throat too and looked up at the woman in front of him. It was hard to slip out of the monotone and into a higher pitch, but he had practiced with Brendon over the phone last night. “I need, um, a prom dress.”

The woman smiled and led them to the back of the store. She talked so fast that Ryan and Brendon couldn’t even keep up. Saying things like, “are you wearing your hair up or down?” and “this color really would go great with your skin tone” and “are you going to wear heels with your dress? Because with the ones you’ve got on you’re a little taller than you boyfriend here and I don’t know if we’d want to crush his little ego.” Ryan had even laughed at that and found himself relaxing a little, telling the saleswoman what colors he liked and didn’t like and that yes he did need a long dress. However, he neglected to tell her it was to hide his very unwomanly chicken legs.

He ended up dragging Brendon, armed with an armful of dresses, into the dressing room and asking which one made him look most like a girl. Brendon simply answered every time, “you look beautiful.” And while Ryan had sighed, rolled his eyes, and said “you are not helping” secretly he smiled. He ended up picking a long, deep purple dress and thanking the saleswoman profusely.

When they got back in the car and placed the dress (which Brendon had paid for because it was part of their deal) carefully in the back seat, Brendon attacked Ryan’s neck mumbling, “thank you, thank you”s and “you did great”s in between each bite.

Ryan had laughed and shoved him off. “I don’t want to look like the sluttiest girl at prom.” But he squeezed Brendon’s hand one more time and thought that he’d do anything to keep that bright smile on his boyfriend’s face.


When the week of prom rolled around Ryan and Brendon made sure they had everything taken care of. They had bought shoes (not so high that Brendon looked like a midget), a wig that was already styled and curled so that they didn’t have to worry about going to some salon, some nail polish and other makeup, and Brendon had made sure to pay for two seats on the bus and table that the rest of the marching band kids were on.

The night before prom Ryan was astonished to find that his nerves were completely under control. Brendon had called him that night and whispered before hanging up, “Can’t wait for tomorrow thank you so much for doing this for me”. Which made no sense as to why he woke up the next day in a sheer panic. The hour before Brendon was supposed to pick him up he decided to calm down and start getting ready. Which led to him ripping his stockings, applying so much makeup that he looked like a hooker, and finding his wig to be in a state of utter disarray.

He wiped as much of the makeup off as he could, took a deep breath, and called the one woman he knew he could always count on.


“Yeah, Ry?” Spencer’s mom answered quickly, picking up after one ring.

“Um, could you come over? I’m kind of having an emergency here,” Ryan fiddled with the hem of his dress.

“Of course. Are you okay? Is it your dad? What h-“

“No, no. Nothing like that,” His gulp was audible. “Um, it’s, uh Brendon’s prom tonight.”

“Oh, I see.” Ryan could practically hear her beaming over the other line.

“Yeah and I’m just going to say this. You know how his parents are, so, I k-kinda need some help with my, uh. My dress.”

And God bless her all she said was, “Be there in one minute Ry,” before hanging up and gathering all of the makeup and hair products together that she owned.


“Can you stop fidgeting,” Ginger sighed, setting down her lip liner yet again.

“Sorry, I’m just nervous.”

“Don’t be. You’ll do fine, and you’re doing such an amazing thing for Brendon.”

Ryan sent her a shy smile through his lip-gloss covered mouth. “You think?”

“Yes,” She smiled back and got back to making up Ryan’s face. “And he deserves it, too. I can’t believe you’re even doing this.”

“Yeah, well too late to back out now.” He gestured to the now styled wig sitting atop his head. And Ginger was good too she had even made it curl in a way that covered some of Ryan’s prominent Adam’s apple. And she had wiped the half of pound of makeup that had been smudged over his face and now he looked much more like a classy young lady than a prostitute.

“Don’t you dare! I don’t understand why you can’t just admit that you’re in love with the kid.”

“Ginger,” Ryan started, his eyes now serious.

“All right, I’ll stop. I’m just saying we all think he’s great for you. Even my mother said so.”

“Your mother? She knows, about me and Bren?”

“Well, she, uh heard you two after band practice one time.” When Ryan immediately turned crimson she continued, “It’s fine, Ryan. All she said was that little one may be hyper and annoying but he can stick around if he makes our Ryan smile like that.”

“Really, she said that?” Ryan beamed up at her.

“Yeah, she did,” She smiled back. “Okay I think you’re ready.”

And when Brendon showed up, right on cue, five minutes later when Ryan had his dress and shoes on, Ginger made them stand out on the front lawn and take at least one picture just for her.

And when Ryan hugged her and said, “Thank you so much,” she hugged him back even harder, tears in her eyes and said. “It’s nothing, Ry, just give your boy the night of his life.”


“Hi, Mr. Urie, Mrs. Urie, nice to meet you,” Ryan’s voice was shaky as he extended a hand towards Brendon’s parents who he had already met countless times before.

“Nice to meet you too-“ Brendon’s father started before sending Brendon a questioning glance.

“Uh, Ray,” Brendon decided. With all the rush and preparations lately, they had forgotten to give Ryan a proper girl name. But the smirk and eyebrow raise that Brendon received from his cross-dressing boyfriend when his parents turned around told him that he had passed the test.

“You look lovely, Rachel,” Brendon’s mother said.

And Ryan blushed before he stammered out a, “thank you”.

Brendon slipped his hand into Ryan’s and squeezed, leading him to the backyard where the rest of the marching band and their dates had assembled for pre-prom pictures.

All of Brendon’s friends, the girls of the horn section apparently, quickly ran over and gushed over the two of them. Apparently they were so excited to meet Brendon's Mysterious Woman, asking Ryan where she got her dress and who did her hair, and oh you look great.

Brendon had pouted and said, “Hey, what about me?”

“Oh, shut up you know you look gorgeous,” Ryan’s reply caused all of the girls to beam at them, but none of their bright smiles could even compare to the blinding grin Brendon sent him.

They were all shooed away after that, told to line up by some overbearing mother in a row to continue with the pictures.

After feeling Brendon awkwardly place one hand on his hip and removing it, Ryan laughed and pulled both of Brendon’s hands around to lay on his waist, his hands covering Brendon’s. Brendon breathed a breath of relief out against Ryan’s neck, making the older boy shiver as picture after picture was taken of them.

Just as the crazy mother announced, “Okay last one!” Brendon leaned forward his breath right in Ryan’s ear as he whispered, “Boy or girl you’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.” Ryan gasped just as he heard the click of the camera shutter.


“Could this be more cliché?” Ryan asked, walking hand in hand with Brendon, as they took in the gaudy decorations and kids milling about on the dancefloor, either awkwardly swaying with each other or getting reprimanded by teachers for some heavy grinding.

“I think we can make it even more cliché?” Brendon returned, his smirk carefully in place.

“Oh yeah, how’s that?” Ryan asked smiling at Brendon through his fake eyelashes and toying with the strap of his dress.

“I’m going to go get my date some punch!” Brendon declared, streaking over to the other side of the gym leaving Ryan laughing at him and shaking his head in his wake.

Apparently there was a line so Ryan had to settle for leaning back on one of the table as Brendon made exasperated faces at him from across the gym. That’s why Ryan jumped a little when someone settled down next to him.

It turned out to be either one of the chaperones or the teachers, who turned to Ryan and said, “So which of these idiots did you come with?”

Ryan gulped feeling awkward with the bright disco lights on him and his dress sticking uncomfortably to the back of his leg. “Um, Brendon Urie.” He said nervously, hoping his pitch was high enough, because for some reason he felt like he was getting interrogated.

But then the expression on the teacher’s face softened. “Urie, huh? He’s in my German class. He’s a good kid.”

Ryan let out a breath of relief and spotted Brendon across the floor balancing his two cups of punch and striding towards Ryan with that same bright grin he had been sporting all night.

“Yeah, he really is.”


“So, who should we piss off first?” Brendon whispered to Ryan as the two sat at the marching band table and ate their gross chicken.

“What do you mean?” Ryan whispered back leaning into Brendon’s arm which had been draped across the back of his chair.

“Well, Ry. I don’t know if you’d noticed. But you’re like the hottest girl here.”

“Shut up,” Ryan blushed, ducking his head and looking down at his chicken.

“No I’m serious. Haven’t you seen like every fucking guy in here staring at you since we walked in? I’m about to start some fights or write property of Brendon on your ass or something.”

Ryan shook his head as Brendon said it but when he looked around at all the awkward, gangly girls in their typical, poofy, tacky dresses he kind of had to agree with Brendon.

“Okay, so I’m fucking hot,” Ryan replied, sliding his hand underneath the table and slowly running it up Brendon’s leg towards his crotch, before leaning in and whispering into Brendon’s ear, “What did you have in mind?”

Brendon gulped and sent him a smoldering look before returning to his normal, dorky self. “Okay, okay,” He bounced in his seat. “Well there’s this one kid who calls me ‘faggot’ everyday and knocked me out in my gym class. So I figured I could like throw you down onto his table and have my way with you. Oh and there’s this other girl who laughed in my face freshman year when I asked her out during my “I’m a good straight Mormon boy” kick and I was thinking that you could start a cat fight with her, cool?”

“Whatever you say, Bren,” Ryan replied leaning forward and capturing Brendon’s mouth with his own. As his tongue quickly eased into his boyfriend’s mouth he slid his hand even further up Brendon’s leg to palm at the bulge in his boyfriend’s tuxedo pants.

“Mmm, Ry,” Brendon replied biting down on Ryan’s lower lip. He pulled away though and rested his forehead against Ryan’s. “Okay we’re really going to have to stop that though if I’m going to have enough stamina to get revenge on all of my high school bullies.”

Ryan agreed easily, nodding and pulling Brendon up with him as he stood. Ryan led them away from their table and to the middle of the gym.

“Where are we going?” Brendon asked.

“Which one’s the kid who called you faggot?”

“Oh, Ry,” Brendon’s expression softened. “You don’t have to do this. I was just kidding.”

Ryan gripped Brendon’s hand tighter. “Bren, I want to.”

“Okay,” Brendon let out a breathless chuckle. “He’s, uh, over there third table to the left.”

Ryan nodded, dragging Brendon towards the table, but staying on the dance floor. He turned Brendon around so he could get a good look at this guy. This really was the most cliché prom, the kid was tall and sort of meaty and he had some trashy looking girl on his arm.

Ryan shook his head, he can’t believe anyone would bully Brendon, well he did it all the time but that was out of love, he supposed. He shook those thoughts out of his head, tonight was Brendon’s night and he deserved nothing but the best. Which is why he loped Brendon’s arms around his neck and immediately started grinding his satin clad hips into Brendon’s.

“Whoah, Ry, what are you doing?” Brendon laughed into his ear. “C’mon the teachers are gonna’ separate us if you keep that up.”

“Don’t care,” Ryan breathed back, licking a stripe from the bottom of Brendon’s neck to his exposed collarbone.

“Nggh, Ry,” Brendon breathed back finally rolling his hips forward to meet Ryan’s.

“It’s working,” Ryan whispered as his eyes settled on the jocky kid, his eyes bulging out of his head. He poked his friend with his elbow and nudged his head towards Brendon. Ryan could almost hear the kid’s incredulous “Is that Urie?!”

“Don’t even care,” Brendon breathed back. “Just want you.”

And for the second time that night Brendon had rendered Ryan breathless. Just as Ryan stilled his hips, the song changed to a slower one.

Ryan chuckled and laid his head on Brendon’s shoulder his arms hanging loosely around Brendon’s neck. “This really is the most cliché prom in the world.”

“Admit it, you’re having fun,” Brendon’s voice rumbled through his chest, Ryan felt it against his own and he shivered.

“I am,” Ryan mouthed at Brendon’s neck as they swayed in time together. “And it’s because you haven’t stopped smiling all night.”

Brendon squeezed Ryan’s entire body at that, nuzzling his nose into Ryan’s hair, well wig. “It’s because of you. Because you did this for me. Have I said thank you by the way?”

“Yes, Brendon you have. And it’s actually not so bad. I mean for once it’s like we can just be.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean like right now I can just dance with you and do this,” Ryan pulled back and pressed his lips to Brendon’s in a slow, open mouthed kiss. Sucking the air out of Brendon’s mouth until Brendon got the hint and started licking into Ryan’s. Ryan giggled and pulled away, settling down on Brendon’s shoulder again. “See we can just do that and no one’s going to judge us, or look down on us, or say anything. It’s almost easier.”

“Yeah I know. Did you see my parents’ faces? They were like overjoyed that I had some pretty girl with me. I think they want us to get married.” Brendon laughed a little his breath brushing the hair off of Ryan’s ear. He tightened his hands around Ryan’s waist, bunching the fabric in his hands a little. “But I just want you Ryan. I don’t care if you wake up with a vagina one day or if my parents tell me I can’t be with you. I just couldn’t imagine spending this night with any other person but you.”

Ryan let out a content breath, running his nose along Brendon’s neck. “I’m glad I could do something for you, Bren. I can’t think of anyone who deserved a perfect prom more than you.”

Brendon smiled down at the boy clinging to his chest. “I’m pretty sure you should dress up like a girl all the time if it makes you this nice.”

“Shut up,” Ryan shoved at Brendon’s chest, but he couldn’t hide the grin on his face.

All right, fine. I want to enjoy what’s left of the night anyway.” Brendon set his head down on top of Ryan’s and kept moving them together in rhythm with the music.

“It’s not over yet,” Ryan whispered against Brendon’s chest.


“All right you two are the last stop,” the bus driver called back to Ryan and Brendon.

Ryan nodded against Brendon’s chest. Even though they had the entire bus to themselves, Ryan had decided to sit himself right in Brendon’s lap, his arms roped loosely around Brendon’s neck. Brendon didn’t know what brought out this affectionate streak in Ryan, perhaps he was just playing his part as the dutiful girlfriend, but Brendon could definitely get used to it.

“Thanks for tonight, Ry,” Brendon breathed into Ryan’s hair.

“You’re welcome, again. And I told you already the night is still young.”

“It’s almost four in the morning what else is there to do?”

At that Ryan sat up in Brendon’s lap so that their eyes were level. This way Brendon could take in Ryan’s amused eyebrow raise. “Well, what if I told some kid on our bus to tell your parents that you were staying at his house for the night?”

“I’d, uh, probably ask you why?” Brendon furrowed his brow in confusion but Ryan just laughed at him before settling back down onto Brendon’s chest without a reply.

The next one to talk was the bus driver when he pulled over about ten miles away from Brendon’s house.

“This is the place, right Miss?”

“Yes, sir, thank you,” Ryan called back his higher pitch almost perfect now. He turned around and hauled Brendon to his feet.

“Ry, what is this? Where are we?”

“Just c’mon.”

Brendon followed Ryan out of the bus and found himself in front of- “A hotel. What are we doing here?”

Ryan eyed Brendon a little nervously, but decided to bite his lip and go for it. “Well Bren. It’s your night and I just wanted to do something nice for you. I know I don’t always show it and I can be an asshole to be with well, almost all of the time. But I do, uh, love you. So I just wanted to make this the perfect night for you.” He took a breath and smiled before continuing. “But no pressure, B, this night is about you. We can do anything you want.”

Brendon looked down and shook his head. After all that Ryan had done for him tonight, he couldn’t believe that he thought he had to do more. When he lifted his eyes towards Ryan’s again he had to admit he was a little teary. He grabbed Ryan by the hand and led him wordlessly into the hotel.

Ryan picked up their key at the front desk as quickly as he could and the receptionist flashed Brendon a quick wink, only making him even more nervous. It was as if his stomach constricted when he realized what was about to happen. On the elevator ride up the two stood side by side but didn’t say anything. Brendon focused on counting his breaths instead of assaulting Ryan right there. But all he could feel, smell, think about was Ryan. He settled for taking a large gulp and flashing Ryan a shy smile. There was no turning back now.

While before Ryan had claimed that there was no pressure he quickly changed his tune once the hotel door was securely closed. He quickly backed Brendon up against the door and bit Brendon’s full bottom lip.

Brendon eagerly opened his mouth, wrapping his hands around Ryan’s waist and pulling him even closer, trying to pull Ryan almost inside of him.

“Mmm, Bren. You looked beautiful tonight, you know that?” Ryan’s voice was breathless as he leaned over to pull Brendon’s ear lobe into his mouth.

All Brendon could think to say back was, “Ryan,” as he grabbed Ryan by the ass, tugging a little until Ryan jumped up and wrapped his legs around Brendon’s waist.

Brendon blindly walked them over to the bed, not willing to pull his mouth away from Ryan’s, not even when he ran out of breath. The two toppled unceremoniously onto the bed in a heap of tangled limbs that somehow ended up righting themselves so that Brendon was on top with Ryan’s legs still securely fitted around his waist. Brendon reached up using one hand to trap both of Ryan’s wrists above his head while the other weaved its way into Ryan’s wig. He tugged a little on Ryan’s actual hair underneath causing a groan to rip through Ryan’s chest.

“Bren, Brendon,” Was all Ryan managed to get out before he started rolling his hips violently up into Brendon’s. Brendon rolled right back, covering Ryan’s mouth with his own.

They had just started to develop a rhythm with Brendon rolling down and Ryan snapping up when Ryan pulled his mouth away from Brendon’s. “Wait, wait,” His breath was short and Brendon looked down to see his lip gloss smeared all along the bottom of his chin. His wig was askew and there were smudges of makeup all around his hazel eyes. Brendon thought that he had never seen anything so breathtakingly beautiful before.

“What, Ry, what?”

“I just need the bathroom first, okay? I have to get this wig off and then I promise we’ll get right back to where we were.”

Brendon nodded, rolling off of Ryan and panting heavily. “Hurry up though or I might explode,” Brendon told Ryan’s retreating back.

With Ryan in the bathroom it hit Brendon even harder what he was about to. How badly he wanted to do it. His entire body was thrumming with excitement and nerves and just a pure ache for Ryan. He lifted his shaking fingers to his tuxedo jacket and threw it onto the floor. With some difficulty he had gotten his buttondown off too and he was just about to start work on his pants when he stopped completely.

Because standing in the door to the bathroom with a slight blush to his already red cheeks and a small smile on his face, was Ryan completely naked, save for the satin bra and panties still hugging his slight frame.

“R-ry. Ryan.” Brendon’s voice was at best, a smothered gasp.

“Do you like it?” Ryan’s voice was small and he refused to look up from his feet. He still had the remains of his makeup on but now with the wig off Brendon felt even more turned on. It solidified to him even more that this wasn’t some fantasy with some girl on prom night. This was Ryan. Ryan Ross. The love of his life and the most attractive sight he had ever laid eyes on.

“Ry, how can you even ask me that? Get over here now before I come in my tux pants.” At that Ryan lifted his head his smile easily matching Brendon’s. He slowly made his way towards the bed making sure to sway his hips back and forth, suceeding in driving Brendon absolutely mad.

By the time he had made it within even an arm’s reach of the bed Brendon gripped both of Ryan’s hips violently, pulling him forward, and pinning him under his body.

“Someone’s a little eager, huh?” Ryan giggled, fucking giggled at a time like this, from underneath Brendon’s heaving chest.

“Yeah well,” Brendon swept his now blown pupils over Ryan’s body before licking his lips as his eyes met his boyfriend’s. “Have I mentioned tonight that I love you? I love you so fucking much, I don’t think I have ever loved anything more than I love you.”

Ryan pushed himself slowly up passing an “I know” into Brendon’s mouth.

Brendon growled at that, quickly sinking his teeth into Ryan’s collar bone drawing a sharp gasp from the boy beneath him. He scraped his teeth over Ryan’s entire neck before sucking on it hungrily.

“H-hey Bren?” Ryan attempted but all he got in reply was a muffled groan against his neck as Brendon’s hard dick slid against Ryan’s satin clad one. “I know it’s prom night and all but we really don’t have to do anything you’re not ready for. I mean we don’t-“

“Ryan, hey.” Brendon said staring down into Ryan’s eyes. “It’s my perfect night where I get whatever I want right?”

Ryan nodded quickly.

“Well I really, really don’t want to be a virgin anymore.” Ryan laughed at that and nodded. He reached down to start tugging Brendon’s pants the rest of the way down. While they were halfway down Brendon’s hands joined his eagerly ripping them off.

Brendon quickly leaned down in an attempt to kiss Ryan again, but Ryan flipped them over and straddled Brendon’s hips. He rolled his hips down onto Brendon’s cock; the only layer in between them was the thin layer of Ryan’s panties. If it was possible he made Brendon even harder.

Ryan shifted backwards a little towards Brendon’s knees, before leaning down, without any warning, and taking almost half of Brendon into his mouth.

“O-oh!” Ryan laughed around Brendon’s cock at that, causing Brendon to let out a full on moan. Ryan quickly licked a stripe from the base of Brendon’s cock to the tip. He swirled his tongue a few times in the counter clockwise motion that Brendon liked before swallowing Brendon whole. He bobbed his head up and down while working the hand that he had placed at the base of Brendon’s dick.

“Ryan, if you keep doing that I’m gonna’ come way before you can even get your dick in my ass.” Brendon’s voice shook at the same rhythm the shaky hands he had placed in Ryan’s hair did. Ryan pulled off at that leaning up until his lips were at Brendon’s ear.

“What if I told you I wanted your dick in my ass?” He set a smoldering gaze on Brendon, waiting patiently for his reply.

“W-what? Really? I j-just always figured that-“ Brendon trailed off nervously.

“Bren, I wore a fucking prom dress tonight and have a bra on. I think it’s pretty clear who’s the bitch here.” Ryan said before placing one last lingering kiss to Brendon’s mouth. “But if you tell anyone I said that, I’ll kill you.”

Brendon giggled into Ryan’s mouth. He shivered suddenly as Ryan got off of the bed, his eyes grazing over Ryan’s spine as he slowly bent down until he retrieved something from the bag he had brought. He set the small square of foil and tube into Brendon’s hand before lying down on his back and sending Brendon a small nod.

Brendon sat back on his haunches and let out a breath. He hooked his hands into the waistband of Ryan’s underwear. “If we’re gonna’ do this I think we need to get rid of these.”

Ryan nodded quickly, slowly biting at his lip. He looked nervous but there was a glint of sheer determination in his eye Brendon knew meant that Ryan had no regrets about this. Once Brendon had Ryan’s cock free, he slowly stretched his trembling fingers down to Ryan’s legs to spread them even wider.

“Wait, just. There,” Ryan shifted swinging his right leg over Brendon’s shoulder before settling down comfortably.

And then the room was drenched in silence. Brendon slowly covered three of his fingers, smearing a generous amount of lube onto them. Ryan just watched him with wide and patient eyes. No words were needed between either of them.

As Brendon pressed the first finger into Ryan’s entrance Ryan let out a small gasp which Brendon quickly silenced by sucking the breath out of Ryan’s open mouth. They had gotten this far before however, so it wasn’t long before Ryan was opening his eyes and nodding, urging Brendon to add a second finger.

While Brendon was shaking with impatience, he slowly scissored his fingers between Ryan’s legs. Taking his time to wiggle his fingers around before curling them gingerly. The gasp Ryan let out this time was even louder and the way Ryan titled his head back and moaned let him know that he had hit his prostate.

“More, Bren, please.” And with the silence broken it was like the soft, tentative, tremulous first steps had been broken too. Brendon eagerly and quickly worked all three fingers in side of Ryan hitting that spot two or three more times before Ryan practically screamed, “Ready, Bren. Now, c’mon.”

Brendon practically jumped out of his skin as he instantly jerked his fingers out of the boy trembling under him. He fumbled with the condom packet so many times that Ryan had to patiently reach over and unwrap it for him. The feeling of Ryan’s long fingers rolling it onto him was one of the best things Brendon had ever felt.

“O-okay, Ry.” Brendon was more affirming it to himself than to Ryan that he was actually going to do this. He poured even more lube onto his hand and coated himself as quickly and thoroughly as he could. He didn’t take his eyes off of Ryan’s as he lined himself up to Ryan’s entrance.

“Slow, Bren, slow,” Ryan declared as he grabbed both of Brendon’s hands with his and gripped, tight. Brendon could feel as he pushed in inch by inch how completely perfect and tight Ryan felt around him. Scratch Ryan’s spidery fingers, this was by far the best thing he had ever felt in his life. He quickly pushed his own pleasure out of his mind as he looked down at Ryan. But instead of finding a scrunched face and painful tears leaking out of his eyes he just found Ryan staring back at him.

“You okay?”

“Yeah,” Ryan breathed out quickly. “Doesn’t hurt too, too bad, just feels kinda weird.” Ryan squirmed a little at that causing Brendon to gasp as his cock slid in at a different angle. “I think you can move, now.”

Brendon slowly dragged himself out before pushing back in much quicker than before. Ryan groaned and Brendon felt a surge of pride knowing how quickly he had found Ryan’s spot again.

And when Ryan locked eyes with Brendon and gave one short, fierce nod Brendon took it as free reign. He slid out easily before slamming back in, causing Ryan’s head to hit the headboard of the bed.

“Shit, Bren,” But it wasn’t a grunt of pain just of lust. “Do that again.”

Brendon quickly gripped Ryan’s wrists again and slammed in as hard as he could.

“Faster. Brendon. More.”

They quickly settled into a rhythm, Brendon pushing as hard as he could, testing every boundary Ryan had ever put up between them and knowing that right now he was tearing them all down. Both of them didn’t speak for the rest of the time, just started into each other’s eyes. Neither willing to blink so as to break the connection.

Brendon couldn’t measure how much time had passed but sooner than he had hoped Ryan was wrapping his other leg tightly around Brendon’s waist and Brendon felt that familiar tingle somewhere in the pit of his stomach.

“F-fuck Bren I’m close.” With that Brendon quickly dragged one hand away from Ryan’s wrist to wrap comfortably around his cock. He tugged Ryan just as hard as he was slamming into him. Making sure to keep the same rhythm between his hand and his hips.

Brendon lost it first, letting go into the condom as he shoved Ryan’s head against the headboard one last time. He had thought it was a myth when people said that their vision whited out, but it was one hundred percent true. He only came to when he felt Ryan’s release all over his hand.

He slumped over onto Ryan’s chest, not willing to pull out yet and sever the moment. Ryan seamlessly wrapped his sticky arms around Brendon’s back, pulling him in even closer. When they made music together they usually had trouble staying in time. Brendon always racing ahead while Ryan moved slowly, carefully, meticulously. But tonight they both moved together, breathing in time without any trouble.

After a few minutes Brendon pulled out, tying off the condom and throwing it into the trashcan. He settled back down behind Ryan, wrapping his arms around Ryan’s stomach and throwing a leg over his hip. He settled a kiss to the back of Ryan’s neck and breathed out, “Thank you.”

Ryan turned over at that, gazing into Brendon’s eyes and finally letting a shit eating grin take up his entire face. “Yeah, maybe soon you can return the favor,” He said nuzzling into Brendon’s chest.

Brendon wrapped his arms even tighter around the thin boy’s frame. “Just name the time and place.”


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