I did shrooms and found out the meaning of life, but I will not share it with any of you. It was the craziest experience of my life.
Reasons I can remember why
I thought my girlfriend turned into an Indian man.
I convinced a poster to turn and look at me, after much convincing. In fact it was
this poster.
I pulled the hairs on the top of my head and my face stretched out, like something in Beetlejuice.
I felt the collective conscience of the human race.
I realized humans are so absorbed in emotions and lose track of how we actually exist.
Stared at
this poster for an hour and realized the artist has the greatest attention to detail.
Talked to a stuffed animal.
Mogwai, playing on the computer, sounded like Satan singing over the most beautiful music.
I kept popping my tongue on the roof of my mouth and was convinced it was a drum inside my head.
Stared at a picture of myself and the face turned evil.
My girlfriend's little sister's giant head was resting on top of my stomach, her body going through mine.
I felt a cat's purr on my face and I felt like I was melting.
I twisted off my wiener and thought my balls had been cut off.
I disassembled my arm and later my pecks.
I thought I was in a house in the middle of the rainforest.
A cat attacked my arm and I loved it.
A David Bowie poster made a lot of sense in some way.
I felt my legs turn to sand.
I became my girlfriend and went through high school, met her ex boyfriend, and then met myself through her.
I became my Dad.
That's all I can remember right now. It lasted maybe 6 hours, I don't know, but it felt like 10 minutes had passed at the end.