Mar 09, 2011 13:55
This is what happens when Jeanne has MSNBC on too much:
Rep. Peter King (R-NY), who is holding hearings on radical Islam in America this week was shown, on camera a while back, in support of the IRA and Sinn Fein, AND compares them both in standing and legitimacy as the British Army. Wow. I can't make this shit up, folks. He's going after one group of terrorists while supporting another. Just wow.
WI governor Scott Walker is slowly losing support for his budget plan. And I do mean slowly. He now has two republican state senators who would vote against his bill. In order for the bill not to pass, 4 would need to vote against is from his own party. Even though democrats are saying that they are willing to compromise, and even though members of his own staff have been either speaking face-to-face or through emails, Walker refuses to negotiate. Can we hand this man a rope yet? Because it seems like he's doing more than asking to hang himself, politically.
The makers of Jack Daniel's had third quarter earnings reportedly up 30% from that same period the previous year. Hey, if you don't at least snicker at that fact, you have no sense of humor, gallows or otherwise.
The Federal Government is poised for a shutdown since neither party can come to an agreement on budget reductions. Republicans are calling Democrats "not serious" about budget cuts. Sure, because $62 billion in cuts out of a $3.73 trillion budget is "serious". Especially when the cuts are aimed at Public Television, AmeriCorps, Planned Parenthood, and other needed programs. Let's face it, neither party is serious, but the Republicans lost this fight years ago in 1996. Back then, it was over park funding. Why do they hate public things so much?
The Southeast has been dubbed "The Diabetes Belt" by medical researchers, mainly due to the diets of people in that region. Why is this news? Any idiot could have found this out just by taking a trip to places like New Orleans and sampling the food there. That weight in your gut? Yeah, it's all the fried crap they serve there.
The Supreme Court recently ruled that the Westburo Baptist Church is allowed to protest the funerals of dead soldiers. Well, at least they are consistent: they love to piss off people on both sides of the isle, even when the "Church" is not actually a church, but a bunch of whackjobs.
The CEO of NPR just resigned after he was video tapped making comments about the Tea Party saying they were "gun-toting racists". This tapping was done by the same useless tool/activist that ousted ACORN and tried to wire-tap a Louisiana representatives phone. Well, I have to say, I disagree with the CEO. TEA Party members are not racists, they're bigots, get it right!
Welp, that's the news for now. Good night, good luck, and keep drinking. Lord knows we all could use a few right about now.