Jan 14, 2009 22:27
Yet another friend (sort of) from high school added me on facebook. No big deal, I thought. She was cool, I actually wanted to date her but she didn't see me that way, but that was the basic plot for most people in high school, wasn't it? Anyways... looked at her profile, and in her picture, she's holding a toddler. Turns out it's hers. She's also happily married, living in Idaho, has degrees from multiple colleges of various levels. She's been employed by a bunch of high-profile medical offices as a nursing assistant, from what I gather, and she has pictures of her and her husband celebrating their first new years together.
Not another one.
That was the first thought out of my head. Not another friend/classmate/co-worker who will be happily married, starting their life together with their partner and be on the road to success before me. If my math is correct, that would make, conservatively, 10 other couples I know of in the last 2 years alone, and probably half act like they don't want it, don't deserve it, or feel like they are missing out. Yet, here I am, engaged to Liz, who is halfway across the country from me, both of our lifes in limbo; hers in turmoil and instability, mine stuck in neutral, no matter what I seem to do. Sure, I get interviews, but it's like dangling the proverbial carrot in front of a rabbit and then yanking it away at the very last minute. When is it our turn?!
This is utter bullshit.
random people