Feb 04, 2010 12:53
so the other day i dreamt about hanging with Pitbull and talking with him and he gave me a kiss on the cheek and everything and said he'd "hit me up" to hang out again lol
the things i would do to that man...
today i wake up after having a dream about Jason Mraz.. lol now i like him, but i'm not obsessed like i am with Pitbull... anyways..
so the dream was that i was doing his new cd graphics and design and even a photoshoot for it...
so i was taking some really cool pictures of him, and then wanted to develop them myself and didnt have where to do it lol... and there were great danes there for some reason... and some guy was there, maybe a friend of mine, cant remember, he was like my assistant...
that would be col to do a famous singer's cd cover and stuff...