Mar 18, 2012 14:48
Hiya. I wanted to ask a quick question concerning homeless people. There used to be two that would come by, but there were claims that the male was stealing tips, so everyone was told to automatically call the police when he entered the store. The female came by one time, apparently, and the store manager automatically called the police even though she was sitting alone, reading.
I guess I just have a huge problem with this as the both of them do not harass anyone. The tips being stolen is still speculation, but the fact that the shift on duty told me the female was doing absolutely nothing [this is what the shift also told the police when they arrived; and from what i recall being told, the cafe was empty, aside from the early morning regulars] is just...sociopathic.
Should I even bother calling corporate about the store manager calling the police on someone who was doing nothing wrong at all? It seems like they are okay with advocating discrimination as long as they don't lose money, honestly.
Thank you for your time.