What do you think?

Sep 26, 2011 01:32

I'm a ex-partner of 4 years. I've recently been trying to get back into the company. I did not leave the company voluntarily, and the situation surrounding my termination was very shady. I was terminated for a customer complaint which is odd because during my run with the company I never once had a customer complaint. Not once! I won't go into all the details because they're irrelavent, but I truly believed that this customer complaint was a fabrication by my manager in order to fire me. So I've been trying to get into this drive thru store, and I'm really not sure what the deal is. When I first spoke to the manager he seemed very interested. He checked to make sure I was re-hireable (I was), and he set up an interview for me and his ASM. It just so happens that his ASM and I were both shifts at another store, so needless to say, my interview went very well. I was told by the ASM that he was gonna pass me on to the SM. (I guess the SM wanted to do a sort of pre-screening since I was a re-hire). When I get in touch with the SM we set up a day for the two of us to get together. Well, one thing happened after another and we just couldn't seem to find a good time so we did an over-the-phone interview. That went very well, and the next time I heard back from the SM he said he had made the decision to hire me, but he couldn't do so until one of his current partners left. Reason being that he had gotten a transfer from another store and couldn't hire somebody right away. Luckily for me though he said that a partner had just told him that they were leaving the company, and that I would be hired closer to October. This was a week and a half ago. He told me to keep in touch, and yet every time I call they're busy and my phone calls are never returned. It's almost the end of September. What should I do? I was thinking of going up there tomorrow to do some homework and maybe see if I can sit down with the SM at some point since he has admin. I figured that would be my best bet. I just hope that I'm not being strung along. What does everybody think?
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