
May 30, 2007 17:55

I enjoy being single.

In the winter it was hard, because I didn't go outdoors a whole lot, and would have liked someone to spend the cold with. But right now, its warm and awesome, and all of my friends are out and about. So its easy not to be lonely when surrounded by good company.

For a week last week I thought that I was semi-seeing someone.
Two things killed that, and I guess that I'm greatful it came out sooner (when I only had interest not feelings) than later.

The first was the crazy-drunken argument at the Birdhouse. Not to completely rehash, but said interest was somehow defending cars (specifically BMW who funded the Nazi party) in a very militant anti-car household (myself being anti-car) in front of two Jewish people. Not so cool. Due to this, he is not entirely welcome around my friends-group.

The second was the random him-making-out-with-other-girl-who-happened-to-be-friend incident. Not that I mind, because I really don't, but it also signified his lack of interest in me. Which equated to me saying "Eh. Whatever. I won't sweat it."

Last night, I explained the situation to one of the kids from the BH.
He just laughed and said, "That seems to happen to you a lot. But he's a jerk, anyway."
It made me feel better.

The thing with dating, and relationships with romantic intent, is that oftentimes people hook up with others simply because they're available. Not necessarily because they actually like the person, or enjoy the persons company, or that they see themselves falling in love with the person.

(oh, but not to confuse: sex is a much, much different topic than dating. and this post has really nothing to do with that.)

So I guess a nice little life lesson is that love is not something that can be forced. Its something that you literally have to fall into, sometimes blindly, but without trepidition. When it happens, it should come naturally, and with someone who you can picture spending the rest of your life with.

I suppose I've only honestly felt this twice.
The first has made me quite wary of any other, which has caused me to balk anytime such intensity arises.
The second has made me realize that I should actually have standards, and that to 'settle' is a very bad idea.

Thanks be to both.

So now that its spring (mating season and all that) many a person (male and female) has expressed interest. And were it me three years ago, I would have probably said 'yes' to the first person who had asked. But experience gives new perspective, and its kinda nice to hold out for when the 'right' person comes along.

So yeah.

I enjoy being single.

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