Life's Many Waltzes

May 22, 2007 11:40

As hectic, crazy and what-the-fuck-ish as life can be, its still pretty good.

A friend (he works as a literacy advocate for prisoners) said to me yesterday: "I don't think you can ever appreciate how good life really is if you are blind to the suffering around you."

That made a good amount of sense.

Like, wow, I am thankful for the good graces the Universe has given to me.

I could be in a cage.
I could be starving.
I could be dying of AIDS.
I could have been born a beef cow.
I could be a parapalegic.
I could be a burn victim.
I could be incredibly ill and impoverished.

But I'm not those things.

And as much as life can seem to "suck", it doesn't.
Its incredibly beautiful, and I am thankful for the very air that I breathe.

And as unfortunate as the roles of privilege are, I think that instead of feeling guilty for having it, its better to just be grateful and shut the hell up with the whining.

In my humble opinion.

Because for the greater majority of the people who have access to the internet, and are able to even glance at Livejournal...well, no matter how bad any of us have it (or think we have had it) it could always be a lot worse.

A lot.

And dammit we're lucky.

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