Apr 15, 2008 18:25
SO tired. How can a job so boring and routine make me so tired? I don't know. I will never be happy doing any job, because it takes precious time away from me doing things my way. This I have realized. I want to be self-employed.
On a better note, the weather has improved significantly. It's warm, sunny, and not humid! And there are green things poking from the ground and tree branches. So this makes me happy. I don't think I've ever appreciated spring so much as I have this year, being surrounded by bare trees, no evergreens, and tons of bricks/concrete.
Chris and I have started a garden upstate on his parent's property. It's in a clearing hidden somewhat in the woods right by a lake. It's pretty, but it's also full of ticks and mosquitos, and the soil needs some serious work as it's mostly sand and clay. I hate that there are ticks. This is something that a Pacific Northwesterner transplant may never get used to. I realize it is an irrational fear, but they're so gross! GROSS! I can handle nematodes and slugs and beetles and even mosquitos, i guess, but fucking TICKS?! Ewwwwww!!!! They bury in your skin! And they can infect you with Lyme disease, which can lead to permanent nerve damage! WTF nature?! WTF?! Also, there are leeches in the lake. I'm told you can avoid the leeches if you paddle to the middle of the lake and don't drag your feet on the bottom. I am still wary.
So anyway, this coming weekend we're renting a rototiller and chewing up the soil, then we have to work in a bunch of humus and compost to make it worthy of vegetables. We're currently sprouting marigolds, beets, carrots, and onions, i think. Soon we will transplant them from peat pots to the newly worked patch.
I really miss the Pacific Northwest. I will have to confirm this when I visit there at the end of April, but I'm pretty sure that I do. But moving there is just not a possibility for a few years, at least, while we save and pay off debts... which makes me miss it even more. I wish I could get over it and start to enjoy the city I live in, but it's hard. Really I should take advantage of this artwork-frenzied town I live in and start freelancing on the side. Which will be a lot easier now that I have... get ready for this...
my very own Drawing table! It tilts! It's smooth! And it has a pencil tray! How exciting! Now I need a chair.