(no subject)

Sep 16, 2007 14:10

I just had an "oh yeah, I am fabulous and a genius" moment.

Sure, it was only because I just taught myself how to make a Pivot table in Excel, which isn't exactly brain surgery.

However, since I had been panicking about how in the world I was really going to convince my bosses that I'd been doing work for the last month . . . this is a huge sigh of relief. Means I can actually do some data analysis for them in the next week without looking like a complete fool. Hallelujah.

Data manipulation is fun. But you didn't hear that here.

On an unrelated note, sometimes I have days where I envy my sister's looks and personality. This morning was one of those "why did Erin have to get all of the pretty and cool genes?"

Yeah, it's lame. I know. I'm the old, ugly, dorky sister.

*Quickly ducks to avoid oncoming attacks*
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