Sep 15, 2010 17:34
Camden County College must be having a field day with hiring adjuncts since some people who are desperate for jobs are coming in.
I was in Roher on Tuesday night and preparing for all my classes. While getting copies, three people came into the office and two of them were new faces. After walking over to look at some buttons on the wall by one of them (he looked like a standard issue slightly chubby computer nerd), he started talking about his qualifications and how surprised he was that he was here without even saying hi to me first. He stuttered and was pretty socially awkward. Apparently the poor guy was laid off from two jobs in insurance because both offices where he worked at were shut down. Of course, I was sympathetic, told him it was a bad break, but at least he's now here.
He continues talking about the shock he's in that he was working as an adjunct. I mentioned my problems in finding a full-time job as well even with my Master's. Then he asked me what my Master's was in.
He then told me that when he advised college students for them to do what they love but find a marketable skill. With English, I could be a teacher, but not much else apparently. Of course, he's there after having been laid off from two jobs. He kept talking about how everything will be in computers eventually as well as how we'll become a cashless society. He kept rambling on, so I'm hoping all those credentials he eventually mentioned do mean that he has the knowledge. Clearly, in his mind, we won't be writing anytime soon.
Yet, I recognized that he found my job much further beneath his own former job. He can shut the hell up since he's now a part of it, and probably won't last too long. Until then, I'll keep climbing up the chain and make my way to full-time.