
Mar 12, 2011 20:48

Just a quick update.

Yes, I'm okay at the moment. The earthquake yesterday was intense, and the aftershocks are still being felt all over Japan. The power has been out in my prefecture since the quake, and it only just came back a few minutes ago. Not sure if it will stay on or not, so I'm getting in touch with friends and family while I can.

As far as I know, there's no damage in my area besides the power outage. But I've been sitting in the dark since yesterday, so I'm not sure what the extent of the damage might be.

Right now, I'm just numbly replying to emails and checking the news. I'm not sure what any of it will mean for me just yet.

I visited Sendai two years ago. There's videos of the tsunami playing on the news now, and I can only wonder how much of the area is left after all that.
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