Supernatural and House have clued up for the season. When did every show I watch decide to collective RIP MY HEART OUT with their season finales?
The strongest moment of the episode for me was when Sam and Dean were singing in the car on the way to find Lillith. Happy and brotherly and sad at the same time.
SPN refuses to ever end its seasons on a happy note, and this one was no exception. The whole season's basically been a setup for COMPLETE AND TOTAL FAILURE. Not only did they FAIL to save most of the possessed people, FAIL to kill Lillith, and FAIL to get anything useful out of Ruby, they FAILED to save Dean. Period. They're obviously going to find some way to bring him back, considering they're making season 4, but still. He's not going to have a fun few months being meat-hooked in Hell. At least they didn't cop out on all the "going to hell" angst this season. As much as the demon deal stuff annoys me as a plot device, I'm glad they saw it through and didn't back out on the consequences. (Until Dean's inevitably brought back next season, at least.)
Oh, demonic children. Lillith was CREEPY. I loved when she walked in with her dress all bloody and was just so happy about it.
Way to cop out on special effects, though. "OMG scary hellhounds! But you can't see them because they're INVISIBLE!" "Dean can totally see demon-faces on possessed people! We're not actually going to SHOW you except for one go at foreshadowing Sam, but trust us, it's REALLY SCARY." I can understand that they don't have the budget to pull off a pack of demon puppies (and I do like seeing practical effects used), but the lack of demon-faces just seemed cheap. They could have Sam and Dean fighting giant bloodthirsty pink unicorns in the season 4 finale, as long as they were INVISIBLE.
As for House...
I cried for the last 15 minutes of the episode. The season finales of Torchwood got some tears out of me, but House had me outright CRYING. Poor Amber. I wish they'd had more time to develop things, but they still managed to cap off the season with two fantastic, well-done, heartbreaking episodes.