I want a fire tank.

Feb 25, 2008 19:59

The elementary schools I teach vary a LOT, but they're always the best sources of LOL. When you're teaching English, you can't beat some of the stuff that elementary school kids come up with. I've been using a set of vehicle flash cards a lot lately, since it has everything from mundane things like cars and trucks, to interesting things like rockets and UFOs. Usually I'll get the kids to try to guess the word in English before I tell them (it's amazing what some of them know already), but every now and then, I get THOSE answers. The ones where I can't stop myself form bursting out laughing (which amuses the kids to no end, so it's all good).

I've gotten "S.O.S CAR" (and according to another kid, "HOSPITAL CAR") for ambulance. I've gotten "FIRE TANK" for fire engine. But my favourite has to be the guess I got for the flashcard of a boat last week. See, the boat in the picture is a dinky, cartoony little green thing. I guess the kiddies have some awareness of current events, because when I asked what it was, a girl piped up, ".....Greenpeace?"

My copy of Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney is here! Time to play me some lawyer sim, and hope I haven't been spoiled for too many plot points. And hope the new cast is half as awesome as Phoenix, Maya, Edgeworth, Franziska, Pearl, Gumshoe, Mia, and all the others.

I think I'm going to make a quick run out and buy a new DS before I start playing. I got paid the other day, and I barely spent any money last month, so I think I can justify it. The touch screen on my old one is getting kind of fidgety (it made me give up on Lost In Blue, because the precision required for fishing made it an exercise in futility). And sometimes it randomly won't acknowledge whatever game cartridge is in it until I pop it in and out a few times. I suppose you could call it a charming retro feel if you pine for the old days of blowing on NES cartridges, but it's less amusing when games start randomly freezing up on you. I'm totally getting the crimson-and-black DS. SEXY.

objection!, work

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