Feb 19, 2008 19:30

Yes! Got a shipment notification from PlayAsia, so my copy of Ace Attorney 4 is on its way. That should give me a few days of amusement and shouting "OBJECTION!" at my DS.

Turns out one of the Japanese ladies at my conversation class is a fan of the games as well. I was chatting with her about them last night, and I noticed she was using the English character names instead of the Japanese ones. When I asked her how she knew them, she told me she'd played the translated versions in order to practice her English. Her English is awesome anyway, but as far as I'm concerned, that makes it even MORE awesome. I wish I was at that level with my Japanese. I FAIL.

It's getting close to the end of the school year here, so things have been busy. The kids are preparing the exams. I'll have to say goodbye to all the third-years who are going off to high school, and the teachers who are leaving.

Two of the junior highs I go to are closing, which I'm actually kind of sad about. They're the two smallest schools in the area, but it's always so much easier and more fun to teach smaller classes, and they're a lot more laid back there. Now all the kids will be shuffled off into the big schools, where they'll probably be crammed into classes that already have 30+ students. The more kids in a class the less you can do with them, and the less they tend to pay attention. There's one school I go to that already has some classes with over 40 students in them, and the rooms are so crammed full of desks and bored kids that you can barely walk around. (Remember that episode of the Simpsons where Lisa sees that future where she gets married to Hugh, and the future Springfield Elementary has double-decker desks with like, a hundred kids crammed into the class? Yeah, that's what it feels like.) Sorry the school board apparently cares more about saving a few dollars than giving you effective educations, kids.

Some of the schools have randomly asked me to write a message to the graduating third-year students. Which is all well and good, except them seem to want something encouraging and profound that's still in "easy English". For which I can't think of anything except boring clichés. I was racking my brain for ages today, and couldn't think of a thing beyond the usual "FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS" stuff. I'm tempted to write "Divide by zero." or "The cake is a lie." instead. Intarweb memes > textbook English.

objection!, work

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