takin a risk and putting my shit out there

Nov 01, 2012 16:19

So here we are again.

Turns out KL is a bust.  Some internet scam that seemed super promising at first glace, but the more info I received, the more outlandish it seemed.  I did my part and notified the hotel that someone is out there acting on their behalf, in hopes that no one else falls prey to whatever the hell the end result was supposed to be.  Drug trafficking? Prostitution Ring? Identity Theft?  Sounds kinky. But still not my thing.  Gladly, I didn't get swindled out of anything and I wasn't dumb enough to give out any compromising info.  I also realized how fucking excited I was at the idea of going abroad.  So on the upswing, this actually turned out to be a great opportunity for me to see that I'm not done yet.  I still have some travel to do, and a reason to do so.

Jesse and I talked and decided that we're both ready for a little adventure before restaurant openings, PGA tours, kids, ad naseum and that over the next 6 months, we're going to raise enough money to go abroad. I've decided to write a book about humanity, and to do so I get to go out and experience humanity first hand.

I was sitting here thinking about what it is I would love to do with my life, aside from the obvious (open a restaurant, have some kids, be happy, blah blah blah)...and I came up with a few things:
 - Something creative
 - Travel
- Spend time with my soon to be Hubby
- Make a difference for people

This eventually translated to traveling around the world with Jesse, a camera, a laptop, and a vision for one year, collecting evidence.

I believe, that despite the popular belief (or any evidence to the contrary), that people are all connected.  That we are all made of the same stuff, and that as human beings we all experience life.  I get that humanity, while the people that comprise it are unique, are all part of the same Human Experience, and that at our core we are bound to each other in an intangible, but undeniable way.  I feel it every time I finish a friend's sentence, or when I have the feeling that I have known someone all my life upon first meeting them.  I see it in the eyes of people on the street, no matter their origin; that we are all just people out there in the world searching for meaning, and I'm pretty sure I've found my meaning; my purpose (at least for now), and it is to enlighten people to one truth:  That we, Humanity, are Connected. No matter our race, creed, religious belief, or bubble gum flavor, we are all part of the same human experience.

To collect the evidence, I have decided to take some trips to as many parts of humanity as possible (along with my other half), take some pictures, write some words, and hopefully publish a book that someone will read. I have always been pretty decent with a camera, and have found a revived passion for writing poems (Yeah sounds all hippy right? Travel the world and write poems about humanity...she must be nuts!)  Maybe I am nuts, and I'm actually ok with that...working on being proud of it.  Still, the simple truth remains for me that The school teacher in Montreal, The Cranberry Bogger in New England, The Tribal Elder in Niger, The Fisherman in Cambodia, The Climber in Greece, The Business Man in Japan, and the University Student in London are all connected to each other, and all at their core, a piece of one long chain in the human experience.

I plan to blog about our shenanigans, for both publicity but also as a means to record this once in a lifetime experience for my own selfishness...:so I can look back and remember when I was cool. Something to show my future kids.

At this point, my guess is that it'll take about $40,000 all told, and that we'll more or less be backpacking freakazoids through most of it.  Still though, we were able to raise 1300 in 48 hours...so I'm betting we could do a lot more with 6 months of planning/ fundraising.

For now though, we're getting our list of places started and getting ready to relocate to FL.  Yep, we're snow-birding it this winter.  Jesse's dad has a house down in Port Charlotte that he's said Red and I can stay at until we're ready for the next big adventure (without rent!). So we're going south for the winter, starting in December. We plan to get married there in the spring (small mellow ceremony with our peeps [yep, that means you J, B, & SuzyQ], as the house is on a frigging GORGEOUS lake with awesome views, and there's plenty of space for our people to stay. After the wedding, it's bon voyage.

So there...I said it. Crazy?  Yes.  Possible? You bectha.

red, travel, epic, humanity

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