Oct 28, 2008 22:11
Why is the progressive income tax grist for invective against Obama, but Sarah Palin's complicity in the shakedown of the oil companies working in Alaska okay? If it's wrong for the government to club individuals with income tax for distribution purposes, then by some very simple logic its wrong for the state of Alaska to club other "hard-working Americans" and distribute their profits as largesse to the citizenry.
I'm pushing the button for the Smiler because the Republicans are too stupid to vote for. Anyone who uses the phrase "redistribute the wealth" to attack Obama's plans(which seems to be the epicenter of the convulsions gripping the McCain campaign at the moment) is conceding rhetorical defeat. If you assert that wealth is "distributed" to begin with, then there's no logical reason to suggest "redistributing" it would be objectionable. An unfair distribution is an unfair distribution. On the other hand, if you assert that wealth is produced, created, earned; if you assert that the oil companies create wealth in Alaska that would not exist without their knowledge and effort, then your adversary has to convince the audience that they aren't entitled to the sweat of their brow. The Democrat [or Republican] has to make an immoral argument; that the producer is a slave.
No one would buy that argument. And no one who wants power for power's sake would ever make it.
Neither of the major candidates will ever point this out. Not as long as people are willing to create spoils for them to control. There is no one in politics today making a moral argument against...anything. There are villains leading psychopaths manipulating the delusional and the staggeringly incompetent. The American body politic is a pyramid of shit. So it goes.
Which is why I'm going to vote for Obama. Not because I think it's the logical, righteous, or tactical thing to do, but because I hate you. According to Gallup, 49% of you are for Obama and 47% are for McCain. That leaves 4% of this country that is either legally retarded and therefore not culpable, or disgusted enough to see this farce for the nauseating exercise that it is.
But 96% of you deserve an Obama presidency. You deserve eight years of it. You deserve a fairness doctrine. You deserve a 55% estate tax. You deserve doubling of the capital gains taxes. You deserve more union villainy in the workplace. You deserve an expansion of the interventionist foreign policy that's going to bankrupt the country. You republicans who wanted to run McCain, or defaulted to McCain by assembling the smorgasbord of dazzling mediocrities who filled your vacuum tubes throughout the primaries deserve Obama.
The 96% who clamor to enslave themselves and their neighbors, parents and children, I will help you. You collaborators who think McCain is a kinder overseer, you deserve to have your heads shaved and be paraded in the streets for public scorn.
Carter gave rise to Reagan.
Maybe Obama will help put some Libertarians in office.
Then again, Reagan gave us Iran-Contra. We'll see.