I'm still picking at threads on the canon update post, and in the process of making a new set of icons (my third Kurt set! geez), but what the hell.
ASK A QUESTION it can be anything CFUD related, OOC, IC, Relationship, psychology, thoughts, whatever. I.E. My character's opinion of your character or maybe what you have been wondering about this
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I think we're trying to be more organized as a cast. (There's been talks of finding an advisor in lieu of Will, iirc.) But I honestly have no idea what's going on there, lol most scatter-brained cast. We take tips from RIB, obvs. Stuff like choir room scenes is very difficult to pull off in camp anyway, because the humor comes from everyone interrupting each other and LJ RP tends to default to one-on-one threads. It's too bad!
His favorite thing is how unlike Lima it is, despite being in a cornfield. I mean, he's terrified of the zombies and the general horror movie atmosphere, but he likes the wide variety of people there's to meet, people who're too cool to be caught dead in Lima. He really likes how accepting everyone is of homosexuality. He loves that guys aren't encouraged to act like asshole jocks and that, in fact, jocks in general seem to be a minority in camp.
What'd get you to watch Glee again, if anything??
What would get you to watch my canon? XD
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