
Aug 06, 2006 16:51

Hey if you have some time and like to feel bad for me read this thing I wrote on Friday night:

Holy moly I just had the best or worst day of my life

So George and I are embarking on DEP VAC 3.2 which is in Indianapolis. I don't like Indianapolis. We arrive at the venue which is full of scenesters. The bands playing are Three [the band], Chiodos, Dillinger, and Coheed & Cambria. So obviously about eleven people are there to see Dillinger. We arrive halfway through Chiodos' shitty shitty show and weasel our way to the front like always. I end up behind these two really fat, ugly, thick fellows and one of them has an equally fat and ugly girlfriend. So I'm in the third row right behind them [George had wondered off to the left] and they start giving me shit because I'm pushing them [as if I could help it]. The girlfriend is especially pissed as I push my way closer to the front. She points me out and calls me a motherfucker [among other things] I suppose to piss of the boyfriend? Anyhow Chiodos finishes their awful set and Dillinger starts setting up. I can feel the tension boiling betwixt myself and these three folks because they know what my goal is and they already hate me. So as soon as Dillinger comes on I of course start going nuts and I notice after the first song that I am getting severe elbows from three different angles. Apparently now the fat girlfriendless dude and two other Coheed fans have plotted against me and were trying to get me out of their area. Second song is 43% Burnt and a majority of the time I'm headbanging and jumping and what have you and I can now feel four dudes trying to intentionally crush me, elbow me, punch me in the stomach, push me back, whatever they can do. One guy in front of me even tried to lean his head back which would cause our heads to collide, which he would then probably turn into a fight. I could hear them telling each other what horrible thing to do next to me. I will admit if someone comes within your comfort zone at a show and goes ape shit for a band you don't like it can be very annoying. And I'm sure I was annoying. But I wasn't HURTING anyone, that's for sure. By the time the third song ended the fatass was intentionally punching me in the head. People behind me were ramming their bodies into my back on purpose, my feet were getting stomped, you name it. After about the third headpunch I turned my head and stared at the dude and he said WHAT??? trying to start a real fight with me. I just stared into his glazed donut eyes for about thirty seconds and went back to enjoying the show without saying anything to him. After six songs there were probably eight people in on this. Dillinger played When Good Dogs Do Bad Things and now three guys behind me contrive a plot to actually lift my body out of the crowd and throw me to the front to the security guards. I hear everything so as soon as they gave the signal I turned around and grabbed their sleeves so they couldn't lift me. They tried this about three times. And to think, I'm here in the middle of a crowd of frat boys and 16-year-old girls getting punched in the head and elbowed in the ribs and I was still able to participate and enjoy the show. Finally the dudes in back decide to tell everyone around me [about ten people] to lift me up and crowd surf me to the front. And it took them about two minutes to finally pull this off. I did everything I could to remain in my spot. It was actually really fun. Seeing ten grown men [most of which stronger than I] struggle for two minutes to lift a 170 pound Kevout was hilarious to me, especially since they tried everything else to get me to leave. I could hear them cheering hip-hip-hooray as I left. Finally ousted, I went to the back of the venue where I had 2 long island iced teas and a shot of vodka. After realizing the retardedness of this whole situation I got even more angry. It's a fucking show, people. I was indeed annoying, but that's no reason to try to intentionally harm someone. I did absolutely nothing to any of these people except maybe jump on their feet a few times. Oh and I grazed this guy's head once doing a Mullet Burden power fist. But that's it. Grow the fuck up and let people enjoy themselves.

So that really sucked but the next hour got a million percent better,, more on that later.

dep vac, being awesome, drunk, rant, injury and/or illness

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