Updating from work

Oct 14, 2005 22:46

Even though George already did I'm going to describe the Dillinger show in lengthy detail because it was seriously the best show I've ever been to,, hahaha this sounds like all my entries from 2003

Oh me oh my the band was in rare form last night, even Liam and James were going crazy

Alright so first and foremost Greg breathed fire 5 times during 43% Burnt which was only the second song. During the second inflammation he grabbed my arm and made me hold the torch. I was so pumped I put my face right next to his and mimicked his fire-breathing antics which in retrospect was a terrible idea because I could have received terrible burns

But yeah that was the first time I have ever witnessed fire breathing from a band let alone in such a small venue

The venue was indeed very small and resulted in me getting terrible bruises up and down my left leg. Here it is if you haven't seen it:

Yeah the bruises are much worse now it's awesome I'll have to show you,, I also have this weird gash on my right inside elbow and I hope it scars because it looks neat

If you haven't seen Dillinger lately they bring this cymbal that's in terrible condition purely to throw it around the room and smash it into things,, the stand is missing pieces and duct taped together and the cymbal itself is warped and missing chunks. Anyway Greg was swinging it around late in the show and I kept punching it and I hit greg in the ribs several times. Oh also at one point Greg stared beating the crap out of one of the huge stacked amps in the venue with the cymbal and the amp almost fell on several crazed fans

There were two "Ben Boxes",, boxes that guitarist Ben uses to jump upon and such. Yeah those hit the walls about six times

They played Setting Fire To Sleeping Giants which George hates. So George pretended he was sleeping so Greg spat on him,, except almost all of it hit me in the face

They also played Destro's Secret which is my second favorite song and Greg literally strangled me when I got in his face it was hilarious

Greg then noticed the supports on the ceiling and proceeded to climb on them,, so I wadded up pieces of paper and threw them at him. So he started spitting on us. In retaliation I found one of the rubber feet from the abuse cymbal and threw it at him but only hit his foot

What else

I put Ben in a headlock

Edit: Here is Greg and I,, probably after he punched me in the face

being awesome, shows, injury and/or illness

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