
Jan 24, 2005 20:38

Yesterday was a terrible day. Work was particularly awful for reasons I can't remember. When I exited the building I discovered I left my lights on so my battery was dead. My dad came to rescue me but it took like half an hour to get my battery juiced. So that sucked. So then I came home and made a delicious meal and proceeded to dump an entire glass of milk all over my food/bed/carpet. Excellent!

Today sucked a lot too,, school stuff is really hitting me from all sides. I loathe this "Design Ideation" class I have to take. Drawing a key over twenty times and then tracing it with marker twenty more times isn't all that fun. I got a 75% on the drawing I handed in,, which makes sense because a] I'm awful at drawing and b] since I drew it 40 hundred million times my final one reflected the others and was not good either. Tonight I have to draw one more plus trace it then write a 1,200 word paper about it. About a fucking key! Fistfuck!

Flash class is going OK,, I'm actually learning it and Minh seems to like my projects. I still hate the Flash interface though.

Photography class is limiting.

I'm going OK in Digital Design, but it sucks having a teacher that doesn't know Flash.

So there's anti-school rant 1 of 7 this quarter.


I got the coolest thing ever today. At work someone brought in this gigantic satellite photo atlas of Cincinnati. I called Angie to see if I could take it home [because we never use it] and today Kari said I could. This thing is awesome! Look how big it is compared to my iPod:

It has 3 x 2 foot pictures of different sections of Cincinnati. It's weighs like ten pounds! I'm going to take the pages out and put them on my wall to make a giant map. Haha this will be amusing.

rant, school

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