Jan 19, 2005 22:36
I'm back in Brooklyn, breaking into my third week of living here again. I managed to get an internship in my first week back, which was really lucky. The photographer I'm interning with didn't really need another intern but she was kind enough to take me anyway. The best part is that she's a dance photographer, which is what I want to do, so I get to see how she works and I also get to help out when she does photo shoots of dance companies. It's a pretty ideal situation for me, I'm learning a lot and everyone at the studio is more than willing to help me out in any way with my photography. I have a really good time there.
I finally got hired for a job today. I asked for my old job at Magnolia back but they weren't hiring at the time, so I went looking elsewhere. I hit up some other bakeries and found one that was hiring and after a couple interviews and a trial session, they offered me a job. It's a bread bakery, which I think is fabulous of course, and I'll make more money there than I did at Magnolia so I'm exceedingly happy about all of this.
So now that the internship and job are taken care of, I can really start to focus on putting together my portfolio and applying to schools. I took a tour of NYU and I must say that I am a little tempted to go there. But there are a couple other places that I need to look into as well before I make any sort of decision. I am running short on time though. I'd love to have applications completed and sent by mid Feb.
Come visit me in NYC if any of you get the chance! I'd be more than happy to have a guest or two.