Oct 12, 2007 19:54
Don't have much to update on. My tooth extraction went well - no dry socket! I've heard that that's one of the most painful things to get. I guess that's what NOT having insurance will do for ya... Makes you really pay attention to what the doctor tells you so you can avoid having to pay more money.
School is going ok. The end of the first 8 weeks is almost upon us. I'm happy, but at the same time, I have to kick ass on the final 2 nursing fundamentals tests to pull off an A. Shouldn't be too hard, but still. As long as I miss less than 5 on the final for pharmacology, I have an A. So far, on the 2 tests we've had, I missed 5 on the first one, and 3 on the last one. Got a 100% on every quiz, so I'm not too worried about that class.
Then, around the first of November, I get to go to an actual nursing home. Kind of scary, considering I don't feel I've learned as much as I should've. We have to come up with our own 'care plans', and I'm still not sure how to do that. I mean, I am, but I'm not. We never sat down and went step-by-step through every thing. Kind of really annoying, actually.
I didn't accomplish much of anything today, so that's kind of sucky. I got up really early with good intentions (going to the gym, finishing up some notes, etc). Instead, I watched the better part of the What Not To Wear marathon, with a few other shows thrown in. Oy.
Tomorrow, I work from 10:45am til... 10pm? or so. Sunday is rinse and repeat.
I did buy an external harddrive the other day, so that's exciting. See, that's another thing I could've done today! I could've transferred everything from Al's computer that's mine to the HD! But, no! Silly TV.
In fact, I should be studying now. But, you know, there's a NEW episode of "What Not To Wear" on right now.