Late Start

Jan 10, 2009 16:52

I woke up around 10am this morning but decided I wanted to go sleep some more and then I didn't wake up again til almost 3. whoops. i think my body still wants to sleep late although I worked all week. I had a lot of evening plans this past week as well which were really nice. One of my new years resolutions is to be better at challenging myself to be more social. All of my life I have been okay being by myself but then sometimes i think that leads to low-level depression and not treating my friends as well as I'd like to. I had weird dreams last night about looking at a study abroad program for school but then I had braces and they were falling apart. Not my traditional teeth falling out dreams but somewhat similar.

Whoa, bells are ringing at the church across the street and they are a little creepy sounding. Like, not traditional joyous church bells. hm.

Marc and I just finished up Season 1 of Friday Night Lights which is a tv drama about texas football but actually way more than that and very entertaining. it's very well written/acted and has a lot of heart.

I have begun reading Flylady again and its inspiring me to complete little bits of housework here and there. i just wish i could be good about cleaning as i go, and not waiting til every surface is a mess and it mostly my mess and not marc's and feeling like i'll never be able to get our apartment looking company-ready on a regular basis.

School starts up again and I have books to buy :( I got one of them last semester but now they want the next edition. oh well. maybe it won't even matter.

For LJ archiving info, check out banshee entry and comments. LJ has its own export system but there are other open source programs as well.

Holy snowfall batman! we missed that for sure!
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