May 22, 2006 22:28
So I just got done with planning a trip on for Labor Day weekend. Wanna guess where I'm going? I will be flying down to Miami for that weekend for the Miami-FSU football game at the Ornage Bowl. The game isn't till Monday night, but I've wanted to visit Miami for a while now I figured why not go down a few days earlier. I'll be staying at the Sigma Chi house on campus with Fil, which should be quite interesting (no guys, nothing is going to happen, get your minds out of the gutter ;) ) I'm really excited, I think it's gonna be a fun trip. So now the countdown is on, and I'm really in a fluster now to hot to attract all those Miami boys.
The other night Kyle (my fling for the time being) stayed the night and we were laying in bed playing Never Have I Ever and just kinda chillin and talking about our pasts. And I started asking him questions about his interest in me and everything, wondering if it was just physical or if there was some romantic interest in there somewhere. He brought up the fact that I told him once before that if any guy ever tried to get close to me then I would just push him away. And then said "If you're just gonna push me away, why would I put myself out there for rejection?" which is a valid point, I don't blame him for saying that, but then my stupid head started thinking again. And I soo badly want to try to have a relationship, to share feelings with someone and be all cute and hang out all the time and all that cheesy shit. But I honestly can't see myself doing that at all, and it really pissed me off, and I ended up leaving the room crying. When I got back he tried to tickle me to death to get me to talk about what was bothering me, but how the hell do you talk to someone about being a cold hearted bitch? How the hell do you break down the walls you've so desperately kept up to protect yourself?
I wanna be a supermodel.
Loves, ~S.