Consider declining it instead. Unlike a spoiled ballot, declined ballots must be reported in the election results. To decline your ballot, simply write "declined" on the front of the ballot.
The Elections Act - Page 59 VOTING PROCEDURE
Voting by regular ballot
117(1) Voters at a regular voting station must vote by regular ballot.
Voting procedure
117(2) The following steps must be taken when a person votes at a regular voting station.
STEP 1: Voting officer gives ballot to voter
The voting officer must
(a) write his or her initials on the back of a ballot;
(b) fold the ballot so that the initials can be seen without opening the ballot;
(c) explain to the voter how to mark and fold the ballot; and
(d) give the ballot to the voter.
STEP 2: Voter marks ballot
The voter must take the ballot directly to the voting compartment and, without delay, mark the ballot
(a) by placing an "X" in the space provided for that purpose beside the name of the candidate of his or her choice; or
(b) by writing "declined" on the front of the ballot.
STEP 3: Voter returns ballot to voting officer
The voter must fold the ballot as instructed and immediately return it to the voting officer.