Dec 14, 2004 17:25
yay for snow!!!!
I like flurries because it makes it harder to catch snowflakes in your mouth. It's like Catch the Snowflakes LEVEL 2 (with Catch the Snowflakes LEVEL 1 being a heavier snowfall).
I'm in gaming mode right now, probably because I've been obsessively playing Mr. Pants on steevhead's gameboy - this crazy puzzle game with a bajillion levels and variations. My study breaks consist of passing 2 levels, putting me 76 levels ahead of Steev. I wouldn't be kicking his ass this bad if he didn't play so much final fantasy.
Had my last "real" final today. Biology. It was quite a breeze. For once I hadn't left out anything in my reviewing of the material. I kind of enjoyed learning about plants - might be something I got from my dad.
Now I just have a final paper to write for Asian Philosophy, that will be cake. Still have to stay here til Saturday noon, though, so that means a lot of christmascard-writing and gift shopping. maybe baking too.
mmm...I can't wait until break, where I can finally curl up on the couch and read a book that is NOT biology or chemistry. I think I'm gonna finish up Chuck P's Choke (yes Candace, it is still in my possession), and maybe start on this Reading Lolita in Tehran book that has been sitting on my shelf since the beginning of the semester - still in the Barnes&Nobles bag.
so this is my normnal post of the day, brace yourselves for another -