Aug 19, 2004 01:52
so yeah, i haven't updated for a while because the past few weeks have kind of been a blur...
at the beginning of the month my family moved from lexington to cincy - and i was FINALLY released from the constricting role i often have to play when i'm at home (acting considerate/concerned after a very selfish year at college, it's tough).
early move-in is all thanks to this great new R.A position i got!! aw yeah baby! i'm an R.A (Resident Adviser, for those who don't know) in Keeneland Hall (a residence hall on north campus that houses the Fine Arts and Service communities) - a co-ed dorm that houses 304 students. It's awesome. One of the many neat benefits is free rooming and board (which adds up to about $2500!). but of course, there's no free lunch. the past week and a half have consisted of intense training sessions and loads of paper work. i have 42 residents under my wing and i have to fill out detailed RCRs (Room Condition Reports) for each one of them - that's probably been the most tedious and bland part so far. and i love the staff i work with. everyone is weird (not unique, but weird) in their own special way, and not afraid to admit/show it. it's fun.
I love north campus - so much more artsy and mature than any other part of campus...not to mention more academically oriented.
another perk is having my own room. my room overlooks the parking structure of a hospital, and at odd hours of the night i have the privilege of hearing the crazies yelling over the sound of ambulance sirens. i feel so urban. oh, and i have a pink bathroom, that's kinda cool too.
wow, so much more to say, but too much for one entry. i sound like a caveman. more next time, i have to get this spray paint off of my fingers now.