Mar 06, 2008 11:54
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!:::::::: read if you dare:::::::Two days of hell and more to come!
Had a drs appt at 930. Woke up at 10....AHH rescheduled for today
Got to work -paginated
Walked a trail for an article - got lost. Had to go to the bathroom BADLY - no restrooms
Finally make my way out, go to bathroom and eat at restaurant
Go to work- no one there but me
Go to chiro - told AGAIN how bad my stupid flat feet are and how bad my back is
Go back to work, call podiatrist cause feet are bothering me (esp right foot)
Go to podiatrist and get prescription for xrays
Go to hospital for xrays - am in XRAY room for 3 1/2 HRS!! WOman did not know how to take xrays, I got there at 4 and got to church at 830!
Missed dinner, bible study and most of choir (have solo on Sunday)
Get home, Project RUnway, Top Model, SLEEP!
Go to Dr and get pap smear and reg check up. Have yeast infection from stress (hm I wonder why!), am on pill for PMDD and horrible HORRIBLE skin that breaks into hives at the drop of a hat LOL
Drop off meds - cannot get until after 3
Go to podiatrist - gives me cortizone shot (PAINFUL- imagine a bending needle in your scar tissue - for about 2 minutes) - Podiatrist says AGAIN how flat my feet are and says may have to operate in few months- which could give me arthritis in joints (last resort). Will most definintely give have more shots - on right foot.
Can definitely not work out because of swollen numb foot - or bone will break.
Miss voice lesson because of podiatrist appt.
Go to work - supposed to walk trail AGAIN with Robin (to take pics of cemeteries I couldnt find day before -when I was lost and dying) - FInd out Robin's going to Williamsburg. Will walk tomorrow instead.
Must get off early to watch Little Jarett and walk hellish evil trail
Going to the News to see Little Shop of Horrors (1 hr away) :-P
SOLO and articles late at night
::Sigh:: I need a nap LOL and a tranquilizer hahahah