So I was incredibly happy to have a chance to see two of the most beautiful people in my life when i went to Atlanta two weeks ago, but what followed after I got back to Memphis has left me both drained and confused. I immediately set up residence at a friend's house to look after her two dogs plus mine while they vacationed along the western coast. I cleaned and fed and played and worked and stayed in a place not my own and rather uncomfortable because of it. But amazingly, as soon as they got back,( at midnight so I didn't see them), they posted thanks to the friend that picked them up at the airport but not a word for me. A simple thank you for leaving your house cleaner than I got it, or for taking care of the pups and cleaning up their random nervous vomit. Hell, maybe a hello even.
I'm leaving for Florida next Friday and I think I'm just gonna ask my neighbor to watch my animals.
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