Sep 07, 2006 09:35
Im all wet.
Now before you let your mind go to dirty places with that let me explain. When it rains in Tucson it rains for a while, unlike in the valley. This morning I was awakened by a clap of thunder outside my window and then the subsequent pounding of rain. Being the former well prepared boy scout I am, I decided to wear shoes and jeans today...but no jacket or hat. Still being in a daze from sleep I, for some reason, thought that it wouldn't be raining by the time I got to campus. I parked in my usual spot (outside chelsea Young and Matts apartments) and realized it was going to be a messy trip. The class I had today was intro to weather and climate which is located on the far side of campus, about a 20 minute walk from my car. The ghetto was turning into streams, and I hopped, slid, skid, and tip toed my way to the school. By the time I got to the underpass I was already soaked, and my face and neck was sopping with a stream of water and hair gel. I dripped through my weather class, took a test, then headed out. I thought that the rain must have stopped by now. It was raining harder than before. On my way back to my car I didn't even try to avoid the puddles and streams. My feet were swimming inside my shoes and my jeans are soaked up to my knees.
But you should have seen how beautiful it was outside. Especially the mixture of white and grey clouds against the red brick buildings. I love days like today.