My fanfictions went a'splodey

Dec 11, 2007 10:14

 I'd just like to state for the record that I can't finish anything. Squat. Nada.

These prompts from last month? Nope. My muse wandered over, helped me out a bit, and then went back to her pink RV, with stars on the ceiling (Any similarities between my muse and the Dixie Chicks is influenced by the fact that I've listened to their new songs over and over.)

Let's take a look, shall we?

CommentFic Prompts: November 17th, 2007

I've written a total of two and a half responses to those prompts. Aargh... I think part of my problem is that I don't have a specific style for my fics.

I've been writting fanfiction on and off since I was thirteen, around 1995. I remember starting out with Star Trek: The Next Generation. My god, it sucked so bad. Here's a list of all the fanfictions I've posted on the internets in chronological order:

May 8, 2000-Star Trek: Voyager- "New Moonlight":

Make me cringe, why dontcha? The formatting's off for one thing and I'm too lazy to go back and change it. It's too...what's the word....chipper? No, it's just...bad.
November 11, 2001-Who's The Boss- "Just in Case":

It's written in script format. Just kill me now. Why did I ever think that was a good idea? I'm kind of proud of the fic, just a teeny bit, but there's still a whole lot of suckage.
February 27, 2005-Stargate: SG-1- "Window of Shock":

It's, uh, not bad. Okay, granted, it's just a drabble, but it's a cute drabble. Aargh...cute. I guess it's not that bad.
April 30, 2007-Stargate: Atlantis-"The Sound of His Voice":

I'm not terribly devastated by this piece, maybe because I wrote it recently and it's halfway decent.
All right, so those are the complete fics. Now let's delve into the posted bits and drabbles.

The next set is found on . It's a great site, but I seem to be into McShep lately because, you know, it makes so much fucking sense.

Oops...forgot about one completed story. It's so stinkin' cute, it'll give you cavities.
October 31, 2007-StargateL Atlantis-"Trick-or-Treat-or-Conspiracy":

Drabble idea from a fic prompt: March 16, 2007-Stargate: Atlantis

Ashs Boomstick wrote:
I wont get around to this one but its a plotbunny that i get after reading one of the latest updates at Rodney's with the rest of the team when theya re ambushed by someone, Genii Wraith whatever, he's ordered out but refuses and keeps firing at the enemy. Ronan or Sheppard orders him out to get reinforcements but still wont go, Ronan throws him through the gate the last thing Mckay sees is a dozen shots slamming into the Sadetan's back. Landing in the gateroom he screams for reinforcements and to dial back, they go back through and all three are dead and posibly mutilated depends on the person.Rodney goes through survivors guilt and depression and possible PTSD, the only person he has left is Elizabeth, maybe not a romantic Mcweir but a close friend and confidant type story.

Elizabeth fidgeted on the couch. "I don't know what to do for him. He doesn't want to talk about what happened. He's been late for meetings when he shows up at all. Normally, I'd reprimand someone for those kind of actions, but I can't do it. I know Rodney's been through a lot. As far as I know, he's not even talking to anyone about it. I wish he'd talk to me. Kate leaned forward and put a comforting hand on top of Elizabeth's arm. "He'll talk when he's ready, Elizabeth. He just needs time to sort out in his mind what happened. He may not even be admitting to himself the whole truth of it. Just be there for him." Elizabeth stood up and started pacing. "What if he stays this way? Atlantis can't lose its best scientist. I, I can't lose him." The words slipped out before Elizabeth had thought them through. She didn't want to admit that she had spoken the truth, though. Rodney was one of her friends, maybe her best friend. She couldn't bear to see him in pain.
After her session with Dr. Heightmeyer, Elizabeth had started walking around Atlantis. It was her way of thinking while doing something. She couldn't stand to sit still these days. An emergency could happen at any moment and more people could be lost. She bit her lip. At that moment, she would have given anything to see Ronon and John walking down the corridor, laughing and joking. She saw someone ahead of her turn the corner and could have sworn for a moment that she had seen John. She jogged down to the turn in the corridor, only to see Captain Sialla whirl around at the sound of pounding footsteps. The officer gave her a bewildered smile. "Dr. Weir, is everything all right?" Elizabeth shook her head and took a deep breath. "I'm fine, Captain."

grammarwoman   :   Willow/Xander, "You're driving me crazy / When are you coming home?"

A postcard would be nice. A note even. Some sort of writing sent to her from Xander to say, "Hey, I'm still alive. I miss you."

Willow didn't wish she was there, wherever he was. It wouldn't be fair to him. Or her. He was on a voyage of self-discovery, something every high school graduate should go through. Which was all well and good, but she missed her best friend.

Yes, there were classes. Classes and going to the library. Oh, the library. Buffy was around, Oz was around (somewhere), and she even saw Giles on occasion.

Xander knew her better than anyone, sometimes even herself. She wrapped her arms around herself and made a wish to the universe.

I miss you, Xander. When are you coming home?

synecdochic : Cam and Teal'c (not necessarily Cam/Teal'c): if I go before I'm old, oh, brother of mine, please don't forget me if I go.

Teal'c was heavier than he looked. It was those muscles, Cam decided. Those bulging triceps of his were each bigger than Cam's head.

Cam shook his head and continued his mostly futile attempt to drag the Jaffa to cover in the woods. Enemy fire surrounded them, but he knew Sam and Daniel had his six.

Teal'c was close to unconsciousness, blood pouring out around his hands from the weapon blast to his stomach. He coughed and tried to speak. "O'Neill, Colonel Carter." The words came out stilted and whispered.

"We're getting you out of here," Cam told him. Plain and simple. Teal'c was one of them and they wouldn't leave him on this back-water planet for all the Pisgah beer in Black Mountain.

Teal'c's eyes closed, his breathing slowed. "Lek tol. Shal'kek nem'ron."
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Cam looked up at the stars, his breath visible in the stark cold of the night. Stuffing his hands in his pockets, he looked down at the child beside him.

"He died free, Uncle Cam?" the girl said. She had the blue eyes of her mother.

"We should all die that way," Cam told her.
And, last but not least, let us not forget about the porn erotic literature.

July 11, 2007: BSG: "His Rough Hands":

July 11, 2007: BSG: "The Shortest of Skirts:

Different category- I think I'll call this one "THE STORY THAT CAME OUT OF LEFT FIELD".
November 28, 2007: SG-1: "Memories in the Lake":

Whoops! Forgot to mention the numerous WIP's I have from various fandoms, including Earth 2, Buffy, Star Trek, Stargate, etc. The longest WIP I have to date is a McWeir fic that took on a life of its own and is currently 78 pages, typed.

Comments, criticism, and ass-kickings are all welcome. Has my writing gotten better over time or do I just completely suck? *goes back under the rock* I need chocolate!


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