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thricedeadwind November 20 2009, 06:04:51 UTC
I admit to some curiosity; I would wish to know the nature of such a query. I had thought you were satisfied in what you had learned of the war upon my world.


bare_my_fangs November 20 2009, 06:20:52 UTC
Huh? Nothing to do with your world, man. I... need you to do something for me.


thricedeadwind November 20 2009, 06:23:29 UTC
... Such a request is not like you.

Ask as you will.


bare_my_fangs November 20 2009, 06:32:42 UTC
...I need you to pick someone up from their world. The idiot went and blew himself up; he needs help. And I'm stuck in the buttfuck of nowhere.


thricedeadwind November 20 2009, 06:34:54 UTC
Who is this individual?

And, though it might be obvious from your explanation of his circumstances, does he require immediate medical attention?


bare_my_fangs November 20 2009, 06:55:54 UTC
His name's Mello. And yeah, he really does.


strikes = thoughts thricedeadwind November 20 2009, 06:57:41 UTC
... He is your friend. You would not ask otherwise.

Consider it done. Which world and which medical facility does he require transportation to?


bare_my_fangs November 20 2009, 07:00:18 UTC
--Wait, is that it? I just ask and you say 'done'? What do you want in return, man?


thricedeadwind November 20 2009, 07:18:54 UTC
Do not be so patently ridiculous. Did you wish to ask this of me or not?

Considering such; I will need to know which world and hospital I am transporting him to.


bare_my_fangs November 20 2009, 07:23:21 UTC
No need to be so rude about it, man.

Take him back to Gaia and just drop him there. I figure he could use a Cure - or ten - right about now.


thricedeadwind November 20 2009, 07:25:49 UTC
Implying I required some manner of payment for such simple services is just as rude, in all honesty.

On my way currently. Shall I need to falsely assure Rufus he is harmless to bring onto "his" planet, or will such an account be accurate?


bare_my_fangs November 20 2009, 07:30:07 UTC
Bite me. It's not like I'm used to people just doing shit for me for free, you know.

The first one. Although, I don't think Mello'll be up to doing anything right now.


thricedeadwind November 20 2009, 07:39:42 UTC
Do not consider for a moment such would be an offer I would accomplish for any individual.

Understood. I shall let you know when his safety is secured.


bare_my_fangs November 20 2009, 07:43:47 UTC
...Right. Got it.

And. Just fucking say it. Thanks, Zechs.


thricedeadwind November 20 2009, 07:47:36 UTC
You are welcome to my assistance should you ask for it, Michael.


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