Title: Dreaming
Rating: PG (maybe PG-13)
Pairing/Characters: Peter/Jason
Summary: Peter has a dream the night that Jason dies.
Warnings: Spoilers to the end of the show, but I figure you all know what happend.
Disclaimer: If only. (side note: I owe two people some Michael Arden music from a challenge I made and I apologize so much because I have had the craziest last three months, I mean literally insane. And I kept on meaning to post on here that my email messages got deleted and I couldn't email you back because I couldn't find your original emails. Anyways if you are still interested let me know and I'll send you them plus an extra one. Sorry again)
Jason doesn’t look right, his face is knotted. Twisted in a thousand different directions and he’s clutching his abdomen. Peter is the first one to notice something is wrong, the entire time he can’t peel his eyes off of his boyfriend’s weak figure. He knows he should be paying attention to the dance and his upcoming lines but the only things he can focus on are Jason’s actions. He begins to cough and as he passes out Peter catches him, the force is too heavy and Peter collapses with the limp body. Everyone quickly surrounds them but that doesn’t matter, nothing matters, only Jason.
“Jason” he shakes the boys arm. “Jason?” when it’s obvious he’s not going to get an answer he starts crying for help. Before Peter can tell what is going on he feels him arms being pried off of Jason as his body is lifted onto a gurney, he’s being carried off stage.
“I’m his brother” Peter pipes up knowing if he says these words they have to let him ride in the ambulance. Peter waits eagerly expecting an answer but instead they don’t acknowledge him; they’re too busy trying to save Jason.
By the time they reach the hospital the entire team of EMTs are hot, sweaty and red in the face. Doctors rush the boy and wheel him into an isolated room. Peter is pushed back and stands hopelessly watching as they take away the one thing he was ever sure of.
When they come out of the room where Jason had been none of them look upset-but they don’t look happy. After all, they have other lives to save and if one gets away you can’t let it affect the way you work. To Peter it was his best friend, his boyfriend, his one shot at love. To them it was a patient; it could have been some homeless man who had no family-one who had been praying for death. For all they knew they did him a favor by letting him die.
Peter doesn’t know what to do. Does he go into that dark room, or does he just stand out in the lobby looking like an idiot? Only now does he realize how foolish they must have looked running into the ER. A motionless body and a stupid boy holding his hand saying over and over “I love you Jason, I love you” all while wearing Shakespearean costumes. But that didn’t matter at the time, it didn’t matter now. Peter just wanted to know what had happened.
“Are you his brother?” a voice came from behind him.
“Bro-yes, I am” he stayed calm, how was it so possible for him to stay calm when he knew what the nurse was about to say.
“Great. Your brother is fine; he’s going to be perfectly fine. In a few days your parents can check him out of the hospital and you can go on living your lives as if nothing happened” Peter can’t move, he has been expecting the word: dead, but it never came out of her mouth.
“He’s fine? He’s alive?” the words stammer out and they sound foreign and strained-like it’s not actually him talking.
“Yes, you can go see him if you would like”
“I think I will. Thank you” he stammers out before walking into Jason’s room.
“Jason” Peter sits up in bed, “Jason, I had the strangest dream. We where doing the show and then you fainted and then an ambulance came to get you and I didn’t want to believe it, but I thought you had died and then they rushed you to the hospital and this nurse came out and told me you where perfectly fine.” He pauses in his speech and waits for an answer; he wants to hear him say something like: and that’s why you shouldn’t drink before you go to bed or Peter, you have the craziest dreams, but there is no answer. “Jason?” he asks into the silence. The bed next to him is empty. The sheets folded neatly at the bottom as if nothing had ever been there.
Peter unable to breathe flips over towards the wall. He closes his eyes and hopes that the next time he wakes up he’ll find his dream’s ending is real and that Jason is still here-smiling and laughing on the other side of the room.