Apparently, I didn't post my review of Kansas City's production. Oops. ^_^; In short, it was UTTERLY AMAZING and I hate the fact that it's over now. For real guys, I drove 7 1/2 hours to see this production. Anyway, here is
a much longer review with videos.
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Friday, May 1 I skipped school, and drove 7 ½ hours to Kansas City to see bare: a stripped pop rock opera at the Unicorn Theatre.
I was really surprised by the audience at bare. I figured it would mostly be teenagers, but Shan and I were the only ones. Everyone else was late 20s or older. There was a near even amount of older/middle-age straight couples and late 20s+ (UBER-HOT) gay couples. I didn't notice any lesbians though. *shrug* ANYWAY, the guy beside me had never seen bare before, and became my bare obese, black, gay friend! He was my fave. *nod*
I thought the production was amazing. The light crew was PERFECT. They were way better than the professional light crew for RENT. The lights, just the lights, made me gasp several times. The best thing in the whole show was the minimalism. The only props were frames, and the set only included choir risers and rolling frames. Nadia's cello was a ghetto outline made out of plastic (I think) and painted like wood. I wasn't sure how all of that would work, but it was amazing because apparently this cast is full of PROFESSIONAL MIMES. I will go into that later, though.
Peter/KC COMEAUX - OMG, could this guy be any cuter and geekier? I didn't expect to like the Peter because I'm nearly in love with Michael Arden, but this guy was amazing. He was all sarcasm, and did the robot every chance he got. He also loved making out with Jason. Then,
he did this. I'm becoming obsessed with this guy quick. Also, if you don't watch that video, you'll be doing yourself a great disservice.
Jason/BRANDON SOLLENBERGER - This guy was very different from John Hill. He seemed so much more torn and hesitant. I really liked him, but he didn't blow my mind away the way KC did. I also kind of wished he was blond, but that's neither here nor there. :)
Matt/SHEA COFFMAN - He says himself on youtube that Matt is an asshole, and that's how he played Matt. I loved every second of it - and his youtube favorites. He's the one that posted the video of KC.
Nadia/ARELI GIL - She was awesome! She was more angry than depressed about her problems, and totally kick ass.
Ivy/KATIE KAREL - I liked this Ivy. She was a much more mature sexy; a more sophisticated kind of whore. It was shocking to see her character change throughout the play, because I didn't notice a big difference with Jenna. She went from an independent, sexy woman to a vulnerable teenage girl.
Lucas/FRANCISCO “PANCHO” VILLEGAS - Hehehe. Funny and cute. I heart Lucas!
Claire/MISSY KOONCE - She was all business throughout (possibly a CEO?), until No Voice when she became utterly heartbreaking.
Sister Chantelle/NEDRA DIXON - I wasn't so sure at first, but she was cool.
The music started, and I got a chill. I thought it was weird that mass was taking place on the risers, and that there was nothing else on stage besides a human-size frame, but I was willing to give it a try. Peter was SO. CUTE. My favorite part is tied between Lucas mocking every word the priest said and the hymn in the middle of the song. I was like, “ivfoideijidoidouiwvdok;nvd” whenever the picture-frame turned into the coffin, and then quickly back into the normal frame.
You & I
OMGSOCUTESOCUTESOCUTE. “Take a look in these big BROWN eyes, so you'll understand...” I was so glad they used the eyes line because I HATE the “feel the beat of my racing heart” line. Hate it. The cutest thing was when they're like, “Was that just to shut me up?” “Yes.” because instead of saying, “Jerk” Peter said, “Rude” with a very offended face. Shan and I giggled out loud because it was that awesome. Also, Zack was in the band, and was therefore cool. AND, Peter and Jason mimed getting into and out of their lockers/backpacks PERFECTLY. Do you know how hard that has to be? Apparently bare is filled with gay singing mimes(!).
Role of a Lifetime
This is just about my favorite song in the whole musical, and KC did it justice. I nearly cried, and I wanted to hug him so badly. Bad, Jason, bad!
*snorfle* Ivy and Nadia's hatred was the best. Diane was actually really good in this scene. Sister Chantelle was staring at Matt just about the whole time until Jason showed up. Peter's face was priceless: :0 ---> :D Also, Claire looked and sounded just like a CEO. I was surprised by that, but I'm not sure why.
Plain Jane Fat Ass
I love Nadia and Jason, but especially Nadia. If they weren't brother and sister they would hate each other so bad, but luckily they are. Also, Nadia was amazingly hilarious and killed me with her excessive clothes pens. Bad, Dad, bad!
Ha, our Lucas could NOT rap at all, but he was still Lucas so I loved it. Also, Wonderland killed me! When Lucas is rapping about K near the end, Peter grabs Jason's throat and pretends to choke him, and Jason pretends to choke to death. It was so AMAZING, but it KILLED ME and I was like, “NO, JASON, OMGILOVEYOU!”
A Quiet Night at Home
Ivy = slut, jsyk. This song wasn't that great, but I adored Nadia's ghetto cello. xP
How fun was this song? Much more than I thought it would be. Also, the robot anyone? Everyone did it! I also saw the scene so much better which made things make more sense. Although, I was sad when I realized I wasn't going to get to see the shirt scene. :(
Best Kept Secret
Could they make out anymore? Only if they could enjoy making out more... Lol. Peter was super sarcastic and kick ass throughout this song. I was so proud of him, and then they were making out and my brain stopped. ;)
I love this song. The blocking was a little messy and crowded, but it was still pretty.
Portrait of a Girl
Um, Ivy sang and danced through a picture frame. This was one of those scenes where the lighting was extraordinary.
Birthday, Bitch!
Haha, PENIS PINATA! I loved this scene. One of my favorite things was how Peter stayed high through the whole scene rather than becoming sober after just a couple lines. My other favorite was Matt nearly breaking the penis pinata when he stormed out of Ivy's dorm.
One Kiss
Jason was very hesitant in this scene, but, man, once he got to snogging Ivy, he snogged her with all he was worth. Jason miming leaving the room along with other stuff was amazing. Professional gay singing mimes FTW!
Are You There?
Sweet and then sad. Also, when Peter went to put down the chalice his hand stopped as if an actual chalice had hit the ground. OMG THE PROFESSIONAL GAY SINGING MIMES. It blows my mind, for real real, not for play play.
911! Emergency!
*giggles* Dude, Matt was a cherub! Also, Mary had a Wal-Mart bag robe/cloak. I loved this scene SO MUCH.
Reputation Stain'd
The fight scene between Jason and Matt was hard core. It took place off the stage, and Jason and Matt threw each other around. Matt's stage-punch scared the shit out of me. I was like, “OMGNO! Jason's face!!!” His face turned out fine, btw.
Ever After
SO SAD. Duh, I know, but still. I was almost crying, and I wanted to hit Jason even harder than Matt did. Peter was thrown around, too. I just wanted to hold Peter so much.
I thought this scene was cool because it took place in the lobby where the kids were waiting to be picked up by their parents, rather than in Ivy's room. It was so awkward. I wanted to hug Peter so much because each new sappy line Nadia sang in the beginning made Peter stare harder at his cell phone and grip it harder. Ugh, it killed me.
I love this scene. I don't know why because I shouldn't, but I love Peter's, Matt's, and Nadia's parts in it. I was disappointed when it was finally time for intermission because I was so caught up in the play. My obese, black, gay friend said he liked it, and squee'd with me. He really wanted to know what would happen, but I was like, “Nuuuuuu.”
Wedding Bells
Nice, but not that exciting. EXCEPT for the coolest thing ever: “Where are we?”
“Massachusetts... Wait, Iowa!” Since then I've yelled, “Iowa!” out randomly. Hehe! I was sad when the gay guys in the crowd couldn't clap out the beat right though. No rhythm in Kansas City's gay group? Not cool.
In the Hall
Megan or whatever still got ran over by a bus. XD Lol. That really shouldn't be funny.
Touch My Soul
This is the first time that Ivy seems like a young girl. I really loved Jason in this scene. He was so confused and lost and I just wanted to hug him.
See Me
Awwwh. Poor Peter! Get over it, Claire.
See above. I didn't really mind this song, though, and I usually hate it. Missy is an excellent actress/singer.
Pilgrim's Hands
AHHH. Whenever Diane was being dazzled, Peter was dancing in his little circle angrily muttering the next line over and over. “Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much, which mannerly devotion shows in this! It's not that hard!” Peter and Jason looked like they were about to kiss at the end of the song, and Peter looked so hurt and lonely... Ahh, why do I not have my own plushie-Peter to carry around and squish to death?! Why?
God Don't Make No Trash
Awesome. I adore this song. Every gay man there cheered when Chantelle had her line. Hehe.
All Grown Up
I have no idea what this song was like because I was too busy watching Peter and Jason have sex with clothes on. Jason has a really sexy ass, and Peter's sex faces were... well. Fidget-inducing, we'll say.
This was Nadia's most memorable scene by far. She was so awkward and her attempt to be light and avoid the situation left this uncomfortable feeling in my stomach. Everyone shone in this scene, though. Peter and Jason and Matt and the students... especially Diane... I think it may've been one of the top three scenes in this production.
Once Upon a Time
Jason broke me in this scene. I prayed for Peter and Jason to just get back together and be happy, even though I knew that that wouldn't happen. D':
The Priest was so harsh and I literally jumped when he yelled, “No!” His face was red, and Jason was sobbing the whole time afterward. I was downright dreading the end at this point. I also considered cussing out the Priest (like that would do something about it lol).
Two Households
Lucas seemed really reluctant to give Jason that amount, and gave him a warning. He seemed genuinely worried. I was glad it was played that way because I don't think Lucas is a total jerk, just that he likes to have high times with his buddies. Jason almost got caught by Chantelle taking the drugs, too. I was like OMGNEWEND, but no. :'(
It was literally awe inspiring to see Peter's reaction to Jason saying, “I love you,” the first time. This song was full of desperation and love and I just melted. It was literally awesome. I wish I could experience that everyday.
Queen Mab
I started sobbing the moment Jason hit the floor, which he did faster than in the CD or bootleg. I had to wait for the really load music to let out my wails and sniffing. It was so AWFUL because Peter had just finished delivering his monologue. He turned around with a smug/proud smile, and then he saw Jason vomiting on the floor. He jumped for him and... Oh my God. It made me a mess.
A Glooming Peace
I couldn't see this scene or hear it because I was busy having my soul torn out of my body.
The Priest seemed genuinely sorry. I'm pretty sure he had a tear in his eye. I hated this scene because I couldn't cry loud during it. I was about five feet from Peter, and I just felt the NEED to hug him. Though, I loved it, too. PETER BREAKS MY SOUL. DAMN YOU, JASON.
No Voice
Nadia! Matt! D'''': Ivy confused me because she was off to the side in a hospital gown. I don't know if it was in the future or she was getting an abortion. Then... Peter. Oh my God. He KILLED me. His mom walked with him and held him the whole way to get his diploma. Then it was time for him to join the rest of the class on the risers, but he didn't want to leave the chair they left for Jason. They tried to make him leave, but he just jumped back at it. He held the desk like it was Jason, and looked like he would fall apart when he was forced to join the others. The end was so haunting, and the theatre was deathly still. *shivers*
This musical kills me, but it is so damn beautiful. It's funny, depressing, cute, and real. That's why it is my favorite play, and will be for a long time.
I really want to see it again.
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The dude is Peter, the short chick is Nadia, and the poster is Matt. I don't know who the other girl is. :S
I also think I neglected giving an you guys an introduction, so here it is. :)
Name: Rebecca or Beca
Age: 18
Location: Western Kentucky. Ew.
Favorite Bare song: That's a tough one because I love all of them. My top favorites are Role of a Lifetime, Are You There, Ever After, God Don't Make No Trash, One, Confession, and Bare. Like I said though, I love all of them.
Favorite Bare character: Peter, hands down.
Favorite Bare pairing: Peter/Jason, of course. I'm pretty fond of Matt/Nadia, though.
Favorite Bare actor: Ever? KC Comeaux. From the original? Michael Arden/Jenna Leigh Green.
Fic journal link: Here.
Other things you like: I love Harry Potter, RENT, Avenue Q, Sweeney Todd, Wicked, [Title of Show], and Augusten Burroughs.
Anything else you'd like to add: I love to play volleyball, and anyone interested in doing an RP should let me know. :)