I Can Has Introduction?

May 13, 2009 13:26

Hello! I'm the one posting from the LJ left_of_weir, and by way of introduction, I offer you this post on my LJ. Thank you for letting me read your fics and letting me post my fics here.

I discovered Bare through a local college production and fell in love with it. Thanks to LJ friends, I was able to get a copy of the OCR, which kept my love of Bare alive. I also feed my Bare love by watching the various productions posted on YouTube, but it's hard for me to get into the production when the actors are clearly in their ummm-30s and definitely not looking like high school students anymore. Please to be casting appropriately, casting directors. Watching old people go through the first throes of sexual awakening in the language of high school Is. Just. Weird. If that's going to be the case, I will just listen to the songs. No visual necessary.

My favorite Bare song is Ever After, followed by Queen Mab, and I have always been partial to Peter. My fic journal is left_of_weir on LJ, and sandali on DW, although I am thinking of abandoning DW because I find the layout fugly. I'm sorry for putting zombies in your Bare universe, but really, zombies make things moar better. Yes, yes? Yes.

That said, I hope my next fic will feature more puppies than zombies.

I would love to get more concrit, and I am tough like that. Promise, I won't cry, and I will be so happy if you give me concrit that I will try to write better fiction. Like Jason and Peter, I know I have a long way to go. Thank you for holding my hand. :)


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