Memory of Dinners Past

Jul 14, 2010 22:46

What with all my creativity and inspiration going into both my sewing and thesis lately (have we noticed the tag "master of bs" lately?), I've been utterly uninspired to do any type of real cooking. And unfortunately, my craptacular diet is starting to show. :(

Tonight, I was starving but had no desire to eat at all. And then, while perusing the contents of my fridge and cupboards, inspiration struck!

Wieners and beans.

This meal brings back so many memories for me. My Dad, who was always a good cook when he put the effort, would often not bother with the effort and bang out these cheap, easy meals that kids love. Monda's special (hamburger, bacon, kraft dinner, and tomato soup all fried together). Fried rice. Stir-fry. Wieners and beans.

And wieners and beans have always been one of my favorites. Right below the spaghetti sauce he would occasionally take all day to make.

So tonight I enjoyed a quick and easy (and maybe not so healthy) dinner and great memories. Thanks Dad. <3

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