Busy Weekend was Busy!

Oct 30, 2011 19:48

Well, I got my painting mostly finished this weekend.  Need to paint the back and bottom of my desk, but the visible parts are all painted and looking great.  So too are the book shelves.  If you're interested in seeing before and after pictures, I posted some over at my sewing blog.

I managed to wrangle myself a new hobby too.  I also posted about it at my blog, but the gist of it is that I've rediscovered cross stitching.  It's totally my friend Heather's fault, too.  She's a cross-stitcher, and she got me considering it.  Oh, I fought it for months and months and months, but I do like hand-stitching, and combined with the discovery of a cute little needlepoint shop down the street from my place, I was doomed to fail.  Check out the cute patterns I picked up!

Still need to finish my Think Pink blouse, because the contest ends tomorrow.  EEP!  Looks like I'm going to be busy the next couple hours.  Have to be out the door by 6 am tomorrow, so it won't be too late of a night.  Okay, time for a cuppa tea, then back to work I go!

projects, sewing, sewing on pins

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