It Always Seems Impossible Until It's Done

May 30, 2011 12:24

I keep putting off writing this post, mostly because I hate writing the important ones.  I'd much rather blather on about ..yoghurt or something like that.

But anyways, I've submitted my thesis.  I'm sure there's lots of stuff in it that should be expanded on or taken out or re-written or corrected, but I suppose that can be said for any documents or bit of writing, and there's no sense on continually bashing my head over it or else I'd never be done.  And anyways, I'm sure my committee will tear it to shreds give me lots of useful advice and edits.

Oh yeah that's right, I'm not really done yet.  Will be defending my thesis on June 9th.  For those who do not know what that means, it's basically an oral exam where a committee of people who have read your thesis, does a couple rounds of grilling you with questions about your work.  I've been told it lasts anywhere from 3 hours to when you break down and weep, whichever comes last.

Despite this, I refuse to look at the defense as anything but a Good Thing.  I'm the expert here (apparently), and I sort of like presenting my research and blathering on about it.  I'm better at talking about it than writing about it.  Also, I'm hoping that my committee will have suggestions on how to present some of my data, or locate where the gaps are that I know are present in my thesis.'ll be a Good Thing.

Until then, though, I'm sort of in limbo.  Not really done, but not really not done...if that makes sense.  I just wish it were June 9th already.

Although I have been enjoying some time off.  Took the weekend and basically just relaxed and did things I wanted to do (Torchwood marathon ftw!), so that's been lovely.

Anyways, back to the regularly scheduled inanity after this.

Although I will say...I can't believe I'm (almost) done!  :D

thesising, master of bs

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