Trolling in blogland

May 02, 2007 23:01

I came across this just now.

My favorite bit from the original post is here:

Putting down editors and writers also displays a lack of knowledge about this industry.
Romance is the most successful genre of all time because people have banded together
with a collective consciousness to do good not evil. This is true camaraderie. I
hope it continues or we will perish.

I love that asserssion that romance writers are fighting evil. It makes me feel less bad about those days when I want to write, say, Luna/Peeves smut. Because, really, if it has a happy ending, then that's one less point for Voldemort... or something.

I was going to address other points about that post, but I've been cold-cocked by that phrase about fighting evil.

lol internets, wank

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